Dienstag, 28. Juni 2011

Early English Books Online (EEBO)

From the first book published in English through the age of Spenser and Shakespeare, this incomparable collection now contains more than 125,000 titles listed in Pollard & Redgrave's Short-Title Catalogue (1475-1640) and Wing's Short-Title Catalogue (1641-1700) and their revised editions, as well as the Thomason Tracts (1640-1661) collection and the Early English Books Tract Supplement. Libraries possessing this collection find they are able to fulfill the most exhaustive research requirements of graduate scholars - from their desktop - in many subject areas, including English literature, history, philosophy, linguistics, theology, music, fine arts, education, mathematics, and science.


Schøyen Collection

The Schøyen Collection comprises most types of manuscripts from the whole world spanning over 5000 years. It is the largest private manuscript collection formed in the 20th century.
The whole collection, MSS 1-5426, comprises 13,717 manuscript items, including 2,269 volumes. 6,860 manuscript items are from the ancient period, 3300 BC - 500 AD; 3,844 are from the medieval period, 500 - 1500; and 3,013 are post-medieval. There are manuscripts from 134 different countries and territories in 120 languages and 184 scripts.
Never before has there been formed a collection with such variety geographically, linguistically, textually, and of scripts, writing materials, etc., over such a great span of time as 5 millennia.


Montag, 27. Juni 2011


ebrary is an e-book industry pioneer that has been serving libraries and publishers for more than a decade. We proudly became a member of the ProQuest family of companies in January 2011.
Our goal is to provide the most cost-effective and efficient way for libraries to acquire and distribute important information under multiple models, while offering end-users the most powerful tools for discovering, using, and managing information.
More than 500 of the world’s most authoritative publishers distribute e-books on the ebrary platform.
ebrary currently has more than 4,500 library customers around the world serving more than 19.2 million end-users.


Freitag, 24. Juni 2011

Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden - Digitale Sammlungen

Die SLUB Dresden betreibt mit dem Dresdner Digitalisierungszentrum (DDZ) ein führendes Zentrum zur Massendigitalisierung und ist Mitglied im Kompetenznetzwerk Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek. Sie arbeitet an zahlreichen Drittmittelprojekten zur Digitalisierung und wirkt maßgeblich an der Entwicklung von Produktions- und Präsentationssoftware sowie Robotertechnologie mit.

Digitale Kollektionen:


Dienstag, 21. Juni 2011

Enoch Pratt free Library

Online access to digital versions of rare and unique materials, including historical maps, photographs, reports, books, manuscripts, artwork, and other media.


Incunabula Short Title Catalogue

The Incunabula Short Title Catalogue is the international database of 15th-century European printing created by the British Library with contributions from institutions worldwide.


AG Sammlung Deutscher Drucke

In der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Sammlung Deutscher Drucke (AG SDD) kooperieren sechs Bibliotheken, um eine umfassende Sammlung der gedruckten Werke des deutschen Sprach- und Kulturraums vom Beginn des Buchdrucks bis in die Gegenwart aufzubauen, zu erschließen, der Öffentlichkeit zur Verfügung zu stellen und für künftige Generationen zu bewahren.
Dadurch entsteht eine verteilte Nationalbibliothek, in der die beteiligten Bibliotheken für einzelne Zeitsegmente verantwortlich sind.

In the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Sammlung Deutscher Drucke (AG SDD) six libraries collaborate to build a comprehensive collection of printed literature published in German-speaking countries from the beginning of letterpress printing to the present, to provide information on it, to make it accessible to the public and to preserve it for future generations.
This venture has led to the creation of a virtual national library in which the participating libraries are responsible for the following periods.


The Claremont Colleges Digital Library (CCDL)

The Claremont Colleges Digital Library (CCDL) was established in April 2006 to provide the infrastructure to disseminate unique resources held by The Claremont Colleges and The Libraries of The Claremont Colleges.

The Claremont Colleges Library, a part of The Colleges' supporting organization, the Claremont University Consortium, support all seven academic institutions across a wide spectrum of disciplines. The Libraries hold more than 2 million print volumes and provide access to a vast array of electronic resources, both subscription and Open Access.


News: DigiTheo – Deutsche Theologie digital/ German theology digital


News: British Library plans to digitize 50 million books by 2020



British Library - digital collection:

Montag, 20. Juni 2011

Books: Segmentierung und strukturbasierte adaptive Erkennung von Gebrauchsschrift in historischen Dokumenten

Markus Feldbach: Segmentierung und strukturbasierte adaptive Erkennung von Gebrauchsschrift in historischen Dokumenten. Diss. Magdeburg 2006.

Biblioteca virtual de Castilla-La Mancha

The Biblioteca virtual de Castilla-La Mancha is the digital library of the Centro de estudios de Castilla-La Mancha at the University Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM) in Spain.
In collaboration with various local institutions it offers free online access to the following digitised collections:

Crowdsourcing - die kreative digitale Subkultur

Crowdsourcing bezeichnet die Auslagerung auf die Intelligenz und die Arbeitskraft einer Masse von Freizeitarbeitern im Internet (Zitat aus Wikipedia). Es stellt sich die Frage warum Menschen sich freiwillig einem kostenlos arbeitenden Schwarm anschliessen und wie solche Projekte entstehen und warum. Die Beantwortung dieser Frage wird erst durch ein Verständnis der Szene bestehend aus Idealisten, Hackern und Aktivisten und deren Ideale, Visionen und szenetypischen Umgangsformen möglich. Der Vortrag führt sie in diese Szene ein und zeigt anhand von Beispielen wie in solchen Szenen eine Crowd ensteht und wie sie interagiert.

Veridian 3.0 release date announcement

Veridian 3.0 will officially be released on 21 June 2011. The latest version will feature speed and scalability enhancements, user-interface improvements, and module support to include the new User Text Correction module that is also available on 21 June. Existing customers needn’t do anything, as their software has already been upgraded to a pre-release version of 3.0, but should contact us for more information about including User Text Correction in their digital libraries.


Veridian 3.0 will enable your digital library to take on a life of its own by introducing social-web features such as user-text-correction, with tagging and user comments soon to follow. Additionally, administrators can make their collections available to publishers, departments and others for easy addition of materials to the collection through the Born Digital Uploader.


Papers Past

Papers Past contains more than one million pages of digitised New Zealand newspapers and periodicals. The collection covers the years 1839 to 1945 and includes 65 publications from all regions of New Zealand.


Multimediale Objekte in digitalen Bibliotheken


HAL-SHS (Hyper Article en Ligne - Sciences de l'Homme et de la Société)

Le fonctionnement de Hal-SHS, en particulier le contrôle des dépôts est placé sous la responsabilité du Service d'Ingénierie Documentaire de l'ISH (Institut des Sciences de l'Homme, Lyon).
L'archive ouverte HAL-SHS (Hyper Article en Ligne - Sciences de l'Homme et de la Société) se présente comme une bibliothèque numérique recevant et diffusant les productions intellectuelles de la Recherche dans les disciplines des SHS.

L'archive HAL-SHS s'inscrit dans un mouvement international en faveur du libre accès. L'autoarchivage est effectué afin d'optimiser la visibilité, l'accessibilité, la rapidité de diffusion et l'impact des productions déposées.

HAL-SHS met à disposition des documents produits par la recherche dont le niveau scientifique attendu est celui d'une publication soumise dans une revue à Comité de lecture. HAL-SHS ne se limite pas aux documents publiés, ou même destinés à être publiés, mais le contenu scientifique doit être approprié pour un affichage dans HAL-SHS.
A noter que ne sont pas acceptés les types de documents suivants :
-Mémoire master 1 ou 2
-Présentation Power-Point et Poster sauf s'ils accompagnent un article
-Bibliographie seule
-Table des matières
-Présentation de produits ou de réalisations
-Rapport d'activité
-Retour d'expérience 


La Hemeroteca Digital - historic Spanish newspapers

La Hemeroteca Digital forma parte del proyecto Biblioteca Digital Hispánica, que tiene como objetivo la consulta y difusión pública a través de Internet del Patrimonio Bibliográfico Español conservado en la Biblioteca Nacional.

This digital library of Spanish historic newspapers include titles as El Globo, 1875-1932; El Correo mercantil de España y sus Indias, 1792-1808; Diario de Madrid, 1788-1825, and El Español: diario de las doctrinas y de los intereses sociales, 1835-1848.


Mittwoch, 15. Juni 2011


The mission of Harvard@Home is to provide the Harvard community and the broader public with opportunities for rich in-depth exploration of a wealth of topics through Web-based video programs of the highest caliber.
Harvard@Home enables you to experience some of the exciting teaching, cutting-edge research, and noteworthy events that define and distinguish the University today--right from your desktop. View the latest Harvard@Home release or explore more than fifty programs linked from our "Program List," covering subjects ranging from the arts to social sciences, from history to current affairs, from literature to science and math. All of our video-streamed, multimedia presentations bring you inside the Harvard classroom to hear current, real-life lectures or provide you with a front-row seat at recent University panels, Alumni College forums, and other special events. Harvard@Home is free and open to the public.
In addition to the programs we produce, Harvard@Home also provides technical consultation and professional referrals to colleagues who wish to capture, edit, encode, or stream video and audio for University events and projects.



The Gutenberg-e prizewinning books represent the most distinguished and innovative scholarship delivered with creative and thoughtful use of digital technology. These books have undergone a rigorous academic review process by distinguished historians brought together by the American Historical Association and produced through a close collaboration between the authors and the electronic publishing staff at Columbia University Press. The books represent a range of subjects:
    1999 award winners topic: Africa, colonial Latin America, and South Asia 2000 award winners topic: Europe before 1800 2001 award winners topic: Military history and history of foreign relations 2002: History of North America before 1900 2003: Women's History or History of Gender
While these digital monographs can be printed out and read in the traditional way, the electronic versions offer elements that cannot be conveyed in print: extensive documentation, hyperlinks to supplementary literature, images, music, video, and links to related web sites.


Dienstag, 14. Juni 2011


Imagine a single academic database with which we could search for all of the available research on a given topic. Not just journal articles, not just books, but "publications" of all types, including individual chapters in edited volumes, papers from conferences and in proceedings, working papers and reports, even conference presentations. Now imagine being able to click on a particularly interesting publication and having its bibliography available for inspection, with each item in that bibliography providing the possibility of clicking on it and viewing its details. Or alternatively, imagine being able to click on the authors' names and bring up their CVs in their entirety. And to find out who their colleagues are, being able to simply click on the faculty or department name to get a list of all its members. Finally, imagine that the contents of this database are controlled by us rather than corporations and you'll have some idea of what is possible with getCITED.


Austrian Books Online

Als eine der weltweit ersten Nationalbibliotheken wird die Österreichische Nationalbibliothek ihren kompletten historischen Buchbestand vom 16. bis zum 19. Jahrhundert – eine der fünf international bedeutendsten Sammlungen historischer Bücher – digitalisieren und online zugänglich machen.
Das Projekt wird in einer Public Private Partnership mit Google durchgeführt. Es werden rund 600.000 urheberrechtsfreie Werke digitalisiert, die über die Digitale Bibliothek der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek und über die Google Buchsuche kostenfrei für nichtkommerzielle Zwecke verwendbar sein werden. Die Werke werden auch über die europäische digitale Bibliothek Europeana zugänglich sein.
In naher Zukunft können BenutzerInnen die digitalisierten Bücher im Online-Katalog der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek finden, durch einen einfachen Klick aufrufen, im Volltext durchsuchen, lesen oder vollständig herunterladen.
Die Österreichische Nationalbibliothek folgt dem Beispiel renommierter Bibliotheken wie etwa Harvard, Stanford, Oxford oder der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek, die im Rahmen des Google Books Programms bereits mit Google zusammenarbeiten. Google finanziert die Digitalisierung der etwa 180 Millionen Buchseiten, die Österreichische Nationalbibliothek trägt die Kosten für die Vorbereitung der Bücher sowie für Speicherung und Zugänglichmachung der Digitalisate in ihrer Digitalen Bibliothek.
Da die Originalwerke nicht mehr in allen Fällen benutzt werden müssen, trägt die Digitalisierung auch zur Schonung des wertvollen Buchbestands bei. Die Österreichische Nationalbibliothek wird die Kopien in ihrem digitalen Archiv sichern.


Enquete-Kommission "Internet und digitale Gesellschaft" nimmt Anliegen der Bibliotheken in ihre Empfehlungen auf


Journals: IFLA Journal

IFLA Journal is an international journal which publishes original peer reviewed articles, a selection of peer reviewed IFLA conference papers, and news of current IFLA activities. Content is selected to reflect the variety of the international information profession, ranging from freedom of access to information, knowledge management, services to the visually impaired and intellectual property.



Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung - Digitale Bibliothek

Seit 1998 engagiert sich die Bibliothek der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung - in Ergänzung ihres konventionellen Bestandsaufbaus - auch im Bereich "Digitale Publikationen".
Sie übernimmt mit der Datenbank "Digitale Bibliothek" für die Publikationen des Hauses die Funktion eines Volltext-Servers und erweitert darüber hinaus in zahlreichen Digitalisierungsprojekten das Internetangebot für Publikationen aus ihrem Sammelschwerpunkt.
Der Ausbau des Volltextangebotes sowie die Beteiligung der Bibliothek der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung beim Aufbau einer virtuellen Fachbibliothek Sozialwissenschaften wird von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) unterstützt.


European History Primary Sources (EHPS)

Welcome to European History Primary Sources (EHPS), an index of scholarly websites that offer online access to digitised primary sources on the history of Europe. The websites listed on EHPS are not only meta-sources but also include invented archives and born digital sources.
Each website that is listed in EHPS has a short description and is categorised according to country, language, period, subject and type of source. The portal can be searched in a variety of ways. The listed websites can be accessed for free, though sometimes a registration is required.


Books: Text editing, print and the digital world

Traditional critical editing, defined by the paper and print limitations of the book, is now considered by many to be inadequate for the expression and interpretation of complex works of literature. At the same time, digital developments are permitting us to extend the range of text objects we can reproduce and investigate critically - not just books, but newspapers, draft manuscripts and inscriptions on stone. Some exponents of the benefits of new information technologies argue that in future all editions should be produced in digital or online form. By contrast, others point to the fact that print, after more than five hundred years of development, continues to set the agenda for how we think about text, even in its non-print forms. This important book brings together leading textual critics, scholarly editors, technical specialists and publishers to discuss whether and how existing paradigms for developing and using critical editions are changing to reflect the increased commitment to and assumed significance of digital tools and methodologies.


Books: Digital Research in the Study of Classical Antiquity

This book explores the challenges and opportunities presented to Classical scholarship by digital practice and resources. Drawing on the expertise of a community of scholars who use innovative methods and technologies, it shows that traditionally rigorous scholarship is as central to digital research as it is to mainstream Classical Studies. The chapters in this edited collection cover many subjects, including text and data markup, data management, network analysis, pedagogical theory and the Social and Semantic Web, illustrating the range of methods, that enrich the many facets of the study of the ancient world, and exemplifying the collaboration and interdisciplinary that has always been at the heart of Classical Studies.

A productive interdisciplinary collaboration among computer scientists, engineers, classicists, and other humanities researchers within an open community of scholars sharing complementary skills and interests .. Perusing the contents of this stimulating volume, a representative sampling of innovative projects that employ advanced digital technologies, one feels much as Da Gama must have felt gazing out across the vast, variegated landscape of a world as yet unexplored. John Bodel, Brown University, USA

This volume demonstrates progress in digitization, but beyond that, explores the wider context (academic and technical) in which digital classics must now function captures a good moment in the integration of new technologies in the conduct and dissemination of classical research, positioning us to enhance our capacity to reconstruct and understand the ancient classical world. Elaine Malthews, University of Oxford, UK


Books: Digital Past - Geschichtswissenschaft im digitalen Zeitalter

Digitale Ressourcen, multimediale Methoden und das Werkzeug Computer bestimmen scheinbar selbstverständlich die tägliche Arbeit des Historikers, der Historikerin. Peter Haber geht der Frage nach, wie die Digitalisierung der Welt die Wissenschaft von der Vergangenheit verändert. Wie wird Geschichte im 21. Jahrhundert geschrieben? Wie wird unser Wissen neu geordnet? Welche Macht hat das Google?
Eines ist offensichtlich: die Medienrevolutionen des Web und des Web 2.0 wirken massiv auf das Fach Geschichte und auf die Geschichtswissenschaft ein. Haber macht die Veränderungen der letzten Jahrzehnte greifbar und wagt einen Blick auf neue Perspektiven für die Wissenschaft von der Vergangenheit.

"Peter Habers 'Digital Past' sollte Pflichtlektüre für alle sein, die sich für die digitale Geschichtswissenschaft in der Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft interessieren." Mills Kelly, Assoziierter Direktor des Center for History and New Media an der George Mason University


Books: The Virtual Representation of the Past

This unique book critically evaluates the virtual representation of the past through digital media. A distinguished group of leading experts in the field approach digital research in history and archaeology from a variety viewpoints, including philosophy.


Sonntag, 12. Juni 2011

HathiTrust Digital Library

HathiTrust is a partnership of major research institutions and libraries working to ensure that the cultural record is preserved and accessible long into the future. There are more than fifty partners in HathiTrust, and membership is open to institutions worldwide.
Visit Our Partnership to learn more about
The HathiTrust Digital Library brings together the immense collections of partner institutions in digital form, preserving them securely to be accessed and used today, and in future generations.
Visit Our Digital Library to learn more about

Samstag, 11. Juni 2011

Zeitschrift für Digitale Geschichtswissenschaften

Call for Articles
Für die Zeitschrift für digitale Geschichtswissenschaften, die 2011 zum ersten Mal erscheinen soll, werden noch Beiträge für die Jahrgänge 2011 und 2012 gesucht.
Orientieren Sie sich beim Einreichen der Beiträge bitte an folgenden Schwerpunkten:
1. Zur Bedeutung der digitalen Geschichtswissenschaften
2. Historische Forschung mittels digitaler Methoden
3. Virtuelle Geschichts- und Kulturvermittlung
4. Digitale Methoden im Geschichtsunterricht und Geschichtsdidaktik


Bibliothekartag: Bibliothekare nehmen Politiker bei der Digitalisierung in die Pflicht

Hermann Parzinger, Vorstandssprecher des Kompetenznetzwerks Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek (DDB), machte sich vor allem Sorgen um die schleppende Bestandsdigitalisierung hierzulande. So stammten von den mehreren Millionen Büchern, die derzeit über das europäische Digitalisierungsportal Europeana zugänglich seien, erst rund 500.000 aus Deutschland. Über 90 Prozent davon seien wiederum von Google im Rahmen des Gemeinschaftsprojekts mit der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek in München gescannt worden. Hierzulande beträfen die Mittel, die jährlich vom Staat für die DDB bereit gestellt werden, nur den Aufbau und den Pilotbetrieb, nicht die Digitalisierung selbst.


IET Digital Library

Die IET Digitale Bibliothek beinhaltet mehr als 95.000 technische Beiträge aus Zeitschriften und Konferenzen zurück bis 1994.

IET Proceedings sind neben 20 weiteren, u.a. der IET Mitgliederzeitschrift Engineering & Technology sowie anderen Publikationen Teil der IET Electronic Library. Auch das neue Online-Journal Micro & Nano Letters ist beinhaltet.


Freitag, 10. Juni 2011

III. Tagung Technik und Kultur - Digitalisierung und Bewahrung des digitalen kulturellen Erbes

Das dokumentarische Erbe, das wir zukünftigen Generationen überliefern, wird primär ein digitales Erbe sein. Die zunehmende Digitalisierung von Informationen und deren Bereitstellung in bevorzugt digitalen Formen bringt jedoch eine hohe Technikabhängigkeit mit sich. Diese Technikabhängigkeit stellt heutige Gesellschaften hinsichtlich der Erhaltung und Überlieferung ihrer digitalen Hervorbringungen vor große und bislang weitestgehend ungelöste Probleme. Dennoch hat die Bearbeitung dieser grundlegenden Problemen und Fragestellungen in Deutschland und anderen europäischen Nationen erst in der letzten Dekade wirklich begonnen.


Donnerstag, 9. Juni 2011

ABBYY unterstützt Forschungsprojekt mit innovativen OCR-Technologien

ABBYY, ein Hersteller von Technologien für Dokumentenerkennung, Data Capture und angewandte Linguistik, stellt heute die ersten Ergebnisse seiner Beteiligung am "IMProving ACcess to Text" (IMPACT)-Projekt der Europäischen Kommission vor. Das europaweite Forschungsprojekt, an dem ABBYY mit seiner Expertise zur Erkennung historischer Schriften sowie der Bereitstellung innovativer Optical Character Recognition (OCR)-Software beteiligt ist, verfolgt das Ziel, das gedruckte Kulturerbe Europas digital verfügbar zu machen. Durch die Weiterentwicklung der OCR-Technologie während des vierjährigen IMPACT-Projekts, bietet ABBYY nun OCR-Lösungen, die mit neuesten Erkennungstechnologien zur Digitalisierung historischer Dokumente ausgestattet sind.

Digital Horae

Digital Horae ist ein Forschungs- und Digitalisierungsprojekt des Kunsthistorischen Instituts der FU Berlin zur Erstellung einer Digitalen Bibliothek gedruckter Französischer Stundenbücher von den Anfängen um 1485 bis zum Ende ihrer Blütezeit um 1550.


Mittwoch, 8. Juni 2011

European Graduate School (EGS) on Youtube

European Graduate School (EGS)  
The European Graduate School (EGS) in Switzerland is a privately funded graduate school founded by the non-profit European Foundation of Interdisciplinary Studies. Its German name is Europäische Universität für Interdisziplinäre Studien ("European University for Interdisciplinary Studies"). It is governed by a presidential board that includes a representative of the Swiss canton of Valais. Instruction is in English.

Videos and video clips of lectures, sessions, and interviews at European Graduate School (EGS), Media and Communication Studies Department, Saas-Fee, Switzerland, Europe.

The European Graduate School (EGS) Media and Communications Studies program, facilitating creative breakthroughs and theoretical paradigm shifts, brings together master's and doctoral students with the visionaries and philosophers of the media world who inspire learning about art, philosophy, communications, film, literature, internet, web and cyberspace studies from a cross-disciplinary perspective.

Filmarchives Online

filmarchives online provides easy and free access to catalogue information of film archives from all over Europe. Via the multi-lingual web portal film works can be searched for by content, filmographic data and physical characteristics. Search results provide information about existence and location of the materials as well as contact details to facilitate the access. The focus of the database is on non-fiction material; i.e. documentary and educational films, newsreels, travelogue, advertising, scientific, industrial, experimental, sports films, as well as animation films. 

Filmarchives online ermöglicht einfachen und kostenfreien Zugang zu Bestandinformationen von Filmarchiven aus ganz Europa. Über das mehrsprachige Internet-Portal können Filme nach Inhalt, filmografischen Angaben und physischen Eigenschaften gesucht werden. Die Suchergebnisse informieren über die Verwahrungsorte der jeweiligen Kopie und bieten Kontaktinformationen der Archive um den Zugang zu erleichtern. Der Fokus der Datenbank liegt auf nicht-fiktionalem Material: Dokumentar- und Unterrichtsfilmen, Wochenschauen, Werbe-, Industrie-, Reise- und Sportfilmen sowie Animationsfilmen.

European Commission Research & Innovation

This site is designed to help you find out about European Research. Whether you are a researcher or a teacher, in business or in politics, there is something for you here. You can read about the latest political decisions, or the latest advances in research; there is even a set of online leaflets about European Research in Action, written for the non-specialist and available in 11 or more languages.
Although the site has over 25 000 pages you can easily find the parts that interest you most by using the Who are you? section (in the column on the left) where you will find pages of links that we believe you would like to visit depending on who you are.
Alternatively you can Search the site, use the extensive keyword Index, or take a look at all the available sub sites in the Site Map.


eufeeds - european newspaper updating (every 20 minutes)


EThOS - Beta: Electronic Thesis Online Service

The aim of EThOS is:
  • To offer a 'single point of access' where researchers the world over can access ALL theses produced by UK Higher Education
  • To support Higher Education Institutions through the transition from print to e-theses
  • To help UK Higher Education Institutions expand available content by digitising paper theses
  • To demonstrate the quality of UK research and help attract students and research investment into UK HE
To achieve this, EThOS offers a coherent and consistent interface by implementing a central 'hub' comprising an e-store and a digitisation suite at The British Library site in Boston Spa, Yorkshire. The hub automatically harvests e-theses from Institutional Repositories and digitises paper theses from participating institutions to offer the single point of access.


Deutscher Bibliothekartag 2011 (07.06.-10.06. in Berlin)


"Bibliothekare klagen über Einsparungen in Büchereien 
Unterfinanziert sei auch das 2010 gestartete Verbundprojekt "Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek", die das zentrale Zugangsmedium für alle digitalen Bestände in der Bundesrepublik werden soll."


Dienstag, 7. Juni 2011

The Dibner Library of the History of Science and Technology

The Dibner Library traces its roots back to Bern Dibner (1897-1988), an electrical engineer, book collector, and philanthropist. Born in the country now known as Ukraine, Dibner immigrated to the United States in 1904 and settled with his family in New York City. He graduated from the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn in 1921 and embarked on a career in electrical engineering which led to his patenting a number of inventions and his founding of the Burndy Engineering Company in 1924.
Dibner, who was fascinated by both art and technology, found great pleasure in studying Leonardo da Vinci. This interest led him to obtain a small library (eventually called the Burndy Library) of works about da Vinci which grew over the years as Dibner's interests expanded into the history of electricity, the history of Renaissance technology, and finally the history of science & technology in general. His collection continued to grow, and in 1941 he formally set up the Burndy Library as a separate institution "to advance scholarship in the history of science." By 1964, Dibner's collection totaled over forty thousand volumes and he opened a new building in Norwalk, Connecticut, to house the library more appropriately.
The Dibner Library is the Smithsonian’s collection of rare books and manuscripts relating to the history of science and technology. Contained in this world-class collection of 35,000 rare books and 2,000 manuscript groups are many of the most important works dating from the fifteenth to the nineteenth centuries in the history of science and technology including engineering, transportation, chemistry, mathematics, physics, electricity, and astronomy. The Dibner Library shares this collection with the public through exhibitions in an adjacent gallery, through loans to other institutions’ exhibits, and through public programs.


Early Canadiana Online (ECO)

Early Canadiana Online is the first large-scale online collection of early Canadian print heritage.
It currently offers twelve online collections totalling over three million pages of digitized content and is continually expanding.


House of Commons Parliamentary Papers (HCPP)

With all collections enabled, HCPP now includes over 200,000 House of Commons sessional papers from 1715 to the present, with supplementary material back to 1688. HCPP delivers page images and searchable full text for each paper, along with detailed indexing.


Internet Library of Early Journals (ILEJ)


The core collection for the project are runs of at least 20 consecutive years of:
Three 18th-century journals   Three 19th-century journals
  • Gentleman's Magazine
  • The Annual Register
  • Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society
  • Notes and Queries
  • The Builder
  • Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 


Encyclopedia.com has more than 100 trusted sources, including encyclopedias, dictionaries, and thesauruses with facts, definitions, biographies, synonyms, pronunciation keys, word origins, and abbreviations.


UNESCO - Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETDs)

Project for the development of an international framework for the creation of electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs)
Equal access to scientific information is essential for undertaking scientific work and for translating the results of scientific research into tangible benefits for society.

Equal access to science is not only a social and ethical requirement for human development, but also essential for realizing the full potential of scientific communities worldwide and for orienting scientific progress towards meeting the needs of humankind.

The project aims to contribute to enhancing the production, access and archiving of scientific information by using the possibilities of new technologies.

The specific objectives of the project are:

  • Establishing and disseminating guidelines, workflow models and best practices;

  • Establishing a model training programme for project managers responsible for ETD programmes;

  • Carrying out training courses

  • Carrying out pilot projects

  • http://portal.unesco.org/ci/en/ev.php-URL_ID=1580&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html

    Library and Archives Canada - Electronic Collection

    The Electronic Collection of Library and Archives Canada (LAC) consists of Canadian books and periodicals published online, and continues to grow through the Legal Deposit of online publications. As of spring 2009, it included more than 30,000 monographs (books) and more than 100,000 serial issues (journals, periodicals, newsletters, magazines) published in Canada by both non-governmental and governmental publishing sectors. The collection supports LAC's mandate of preserving the documentary heritage of Canada for the benefit of present and future generations.

    Montag, 6. Juni 2011

    EPN - The Education Podcast Network

    The Education Podcast Network is an effort to bring together into one place, the wide range of podcast programming that may be helpful to teachers looking for content to teach with and about, and to explore issues of teaching and learning in the 21st century.


    e-Revistas - Plataforma Open Access de Revistas Científicas Electrónicas Españolas y Latinoamericanas

    La Plataforma Open Access de Revistas Científicas Electrónicas Españolas y Latinoamericanas e-Revistas es un proyecto impulsado por el Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) con el fin de contribuir a la difusión y visibilidad de las revistas científicas publicadas en América Latina, Caribe, España y Portugal.


    University of Oregon - Digital Collections


    Liste der Sammlungen:



    Die Seiten von DissOnline bieten Informationen rund um das Thema elektronische Hochschulschriften. Hier kann direkt nach Online-Dissertationen und -Habilitationen (seit neustem auch aus dem Bestand der Schweizerischen Nationalbibliothek) recherchiert werden. Zur Unterstützung bei der Erstellung von elektronischen Hochschulschriften stehen Dokumentvorlagen zum Download zur Verfügung.


    IASSIST - International Association for Social Science Information Services & Technology

    IASSIST is an international organization of professionals working with information technology and data services to support research and teaching in the social sciences. Its 300 members work in a variety of settings, including data archives, statistical agencies, research centers, libraries, academic departments, government departments, and non-profit organizations.
    As an organization, IASSIST has the following goals:
    • to foster and promote a network of excellence for data service delivery
    • to advance infrastructure in the social sciences
    • to provide opportunities for collegial exchange of sound professional practices


    Sonntag, 5. Juni 2011

    Digithèque des Bibliothèques de l'Université libre de Bruxelles

    L'Université libre de Bruxelles ayant acquis en 2005 un scanner de livres à balayage (Digibook), les Bibliothèques ont engagé un programme de numérisation de certains ouvrages de leurs collections.  Le Fonds Jeanne Pierre a apporté son soutien financier à la réalisation de ce projet.

    Le but de la Digithèque est de numériser des ouvrages des Bibliothèques de l'ULB, pour la plupart libres de droit, dégradés, encore très consultés et/ou ayant une grande valeur intellectuelle, et qui ne sont plus édités ; les copies numériques de ces oeuvres sont progressivement mises, gratuitement, à disposition des utilisateurs via CIBLE et le site de la Digithèque.


    DIGMAP developed solutions for georeferenced digital libraries, especially focused on historical materials and in the promoting of our cultural and scientific heritage. The final results of the project will consist in a set of services available in the Internet, and in reusable open-source software solutions.
    The main purpose was to develop a specialized service, reusing metadata from European national libraries, to provide discovery and access to contents provided by those libraries. Relevant metadata from third party sources was also reused, as also descriptions and references to any other relevant external resource.


    Digital Atlas of Europe 1500-2000


    Digital Library of India

    For the first time in history, the Digital Library of India is digitizing all the significant literary, artistic, and scientific works of mankind and making them freely available, in every corner of the world, for our education, study and appreciation and for all our future generations.

    Denmark's Electronic Research Library (DEFF)

    Denmark's Electronic Research Library (DEFF) is an organisational and technological partnership between research libraries co-financed by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Education. For an introduction to DEFF click here.


    Donnerstag, 2. Juni 2011

    Public Library of Science (PLoS)

    The Public Library of Science (PLoS) is a nonprofit organization of scientists and physicians committed to making the world's scientific and medical literature a public resource.


    Word IQ

    Our eBook section offers a wide variety of online books, novels, and general public domain publications. We have organized this page by category to provide you with some popular books for each genre. Please feel free to browse these books as well as explore other sections of the WordIQ website such as our Dictionary, Encyclopedia, and Thesaurus pages.
