Samstag, 24. September 2011

Conf.: Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries (TPDL 2011), Berlin 25.09.-29.09. 2011

The European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries (ECDL) has been the leading European scientific forum on digital libraries for 14 years. For the 15th year the conference was renamed into:
International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries
The conference will continue to bring together researchers, developers, content providers and users in the field of digital libraries. TPDL 2011 is organised by the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Berlin School of Library and Information Science, the Computer and Media Services and the Department of Computer Science).

Freitag, 23. September 2011

Media History Digital Library

The Media History Digital Library digitizes collections of classic media periodicals that belong in the public domain for full public access. The project is supported by owners of materials who loan them for scanning, and donors who contribute funds to cover the cost of scanning.

News: Verbände einig über Digitalisierung vergriffener Werke

Europäische Verbände von Rechteinhabern, Autoren und Bibliotheken haben sich auf Prinzipien für die Digitalisierung vergriffener Werke verständigt. Das geistige Eigentum von Rechteinhabern und Autoren soll gewahrt bleiben.

Donnerstag, 22. September 2011


Die Plattform ermöglicht Ihnen eine Volltextsuche in 4.195 digitalisierten Monographien der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts, vorwiegend aus dem geistes- und sozialwissenschaftlichen Fächerspektrum.
Das Angebot wird bis zum Jahr 2014 sukzessive auf rd. 6.400 Titel ausgebaut.

Digital Library of Slovenia

Mittwoch, 21. September 2011


gCube is a framework dedicated to scientists. It enables the declarative and interactive
creation of transient Virtual Research Environments that aggregate and deploy on-demand
content resources and application services by exploiting computational and storage
resources of a grid infrastructure.

Early European Books

Early European Books provides scholars with new ways of accessing and exploring the printed record of early modern Europe, drawing together a diverse array of printed sources from the fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth centuries. Developed and produced in close collaboration with scholars, rare books librarians, bibliographers, and other experts from the library world, this new resource opens the door to some of the world's most significant collections of early printed books.
All works printed in Europe before 1701, regardless of language, fall within the scope of the project, together with all pre-1701 works in European languages printed further afield. Early European Books builds upon and complements Early English Books Online (EEBO) and is largely concerned with non-Anglophone materials; however, books in English or printed in the English-speaking world that are already represented in EEBO are not omitted from Early European Books where they form an integral element of the predominantly non-Anglophone collections that have been made available for digital capture.

Montag, 19. September 2011

ZAPADAY - peeking into the future by text mining

Zapaday is an open news agenda and a global public calendar. Zapaday lets you see the future with day-by-day events, news stories, facts and trivia.

Freitag, 16. September 2011

JSTOR Early Journal Content

Early Journal content in JSTOR is a selection of freely accessible journals published prior to 1923 in the United States and prior to 1870 elsewhere. The “Early Journal Content” selection of titles includes "discourse and scholarship in the arts and humanities, economics and politics, and in mathematics and other sciences. It includes nearly 500,000 articles from more than 200 journals. This represents 6% of the content on JSTOR".

Mittwoch, 14. September 2011

Books: Die Zukunft digitaler Bibliotheken auf dem Prüfstand

"Digitale Bibliotheken wie die Google Buchsuche sind in den vergangenen Jahren in Deutschland und den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika besonders wegen behaupteter Urheberrechtsverletzungen in die Kritik geraten. Diese Arbeit widmet sich der Frage, inwieweit deutsches und amerikanisches Urheberrecht tatsächlich dem Aufbau und Betrieb einer solch kulturell bedeutsamen Bibliothek entgegenstehen. In einer ganzheitlichen Betrachtung des sogenannten Bibliotheks- und auch des Partnerprogramms der Google Buchsuche wird dabei auf verschiedene Legitimationsmöglichkeiten der Nutzungshandlungen eingegangen. Neben der Frage der Anwendbarkeit der Schrankenregelungen werden dabei Probleme der vermeintlich sicheren vertraglicher Rechtseinräumung erörtert. Im Ergebnis zeigt sich, dass zwar teilweise eine Legitimation erreicht werden kann, der vollumfängliche Mehrwert einer digitalen Bibliothek aber allein durch einen Eingriff des Gesetzgebers zu realisieren sein wird."
Zugl.: Münster (Westfalen), Univ., Diss., 2011

Göttingen Centre for Digital Humanities

The GCDH handles fund-raising activities, organization, coordination, implementation and support for interdisciplinary research projects in the field of Digital Humanities and its applications, and the Center will also coordinate and maintain cooperative activities with national and international institutions as well as contacts with private-sector partners and research institutions.

Additionally, Digital Humanities infrastructures and services that support research will be developed and maintained.

Sonntag, 11. September 2011

Digital Library of India

TextGrid 1.0 Release

Seit dem 12. Juli ist es soweit: Nach fünfjähriger Entwicklungsphase steht TextGrid 1.0 nun zum Download bereit. Die bereits aus der Betaversion vom Juni 2010 bekannten Tools - darunter XML-, Metadaten- und Text-Bild-Link-Editor sowie das Wörterbuch-Recherchetool - sind ab sofort in vollem Umfang in einer stabilen Fassung nutzbar. Neu hinzugekommen ist eine Funktion für das Management von Revisionen; umfassend erweitert wurde außerdem das Metadatenschema. Mit dem TextGridLab erstellte Forschungsdaten lassen sich seit dem Update nun auch langfristig im TextGrid Repository publizieren und in andere digitale Publikationskontexte einbinden. Über das neue Portal des Repository sind Inhalte auch unabhängig vom TextGridLab von externen Nutzern abrufbar.

Konf.: DigiBibs, Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek und biblioteki cyfrowe. Deutsche und polnische digitale Bibliotheken auf dem gemeinsamen Weg in die Europeana

Freitag, 9. September 2011


digitalculturebooks is dedicated to publishing innovative work in new media studies and the emerging field of digital humanities. It was established in 2006 as an innovative partnership between the University of Michigan Library and the University of Michigan Press with the intent of modeling library-press collaboration at U-M and elsewhere. digitalculturebooks is supported by the skills and expertise of staff throughout MPublishing and is a site of exploration for combining these skills in ways that benefit our authors and our readers. It is also an incubator for developing and testing ideas about new publishing models. digitalculturebooks seeks to explore all aspects of new media and its impact on society, culture, and scholarly communication and will present work that exhibits and advances the understanding of the relationship between humanities and digital technologies. The imprint aspires to both investigate and demonstrate new forms of scholarly practice in the humanities.

Donnerstag, 8. September 2011


D4Science-II is an European e-Infrastructure project, co-funded by the European Commission's Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development. It constitutes a continuation of the DILIGENT and D4Science projects.

Mittwoch, 7. September 2011

Journal: Literary and Linguistic Computing

Literary and Linguistic Computing is an international journal which publishes material on all aspects of computing and information technology applied to literature and language research and teaching.

Papers include results of research projects, description and evaluation of techniques and methodologies, and reports on work in progress.

Dienstag, 6. September 2011

Greenstone - build a digital library

Greenstone is a suite of software for building and distributing digital library collections. It provides a new way of organizing information and publishing it on the Internet or on CD-ROM.

AKT - Advanced Knowledge Technologies

The mission of the Advanced Knowledge Technologies consortium is to identify where we can, and invent where we must, the next generation of technologies for organisations to create, manage and extract value from their knowledge assets, and to integrate these technologies to create a complete approach to the knowledge life cycle.
During our research, a number of component technologies have been implemented, exploring the different challenges encountered through the various stages of the knowledge lifecycle.

Khresmoi - medical information analysis & retrieval

Khresmoi aims to develop a multi-lingual multi-modal search and access system for biomedical information and documents. This will be achieved by:
  • Effective automated information extraction from biomedical documents, including improvements using crowd sourcing and active learning, and automated estimation of the level of trust and target user expertise
  • Automated analysis and indexing for medical images in 2D (X-Rays), 3D (MRI, CT), and 4D (MRI with a time component)
  • Linking information extracted from unstructured or semi-structured biomedical texts and images to structured information in knowledge bases
  • Support of cross-language search, including multi-lingual queries, and returning machine-translated pertinent excerpts
  • Adaptive user interfaces to assist in formulating queries and display search results via ergonomic and interactive visualizations

Reading old documents

Our range of online tutorials on Latin and palaeography will help you to read documents from the medieval period and beyond, through practical activities and useful examples. We also provide a currency converter so you can compare old money with new.


ARCOMEM is a EU-funded research project. It is about memory institutions like archives, museums, and libraries in the age of the Social Web. Memory institutions are more important now than ever: as we face greater economic and environmental challenges we need our understanding of the past to help us navigate to a sustainable future. This is a core function of democracies, but this function faces stiff new challenges in face of the Social Web, and of the radical changes in information creation, communication and citizen involvement that currently characterise our information society (e.g., there are now more social network hits than Google searches). Social media are becoming more and more pervasive in all areas of life.

Sonntag, 4. September 2011

Digital Library of the Catholic Reformation

A uniquely valuable resource for historians, theologians, political scientists, and sociologists studying the religious and social upheavals of the 16th and 17th centuries, the Digital Library of the Catholic Reformation gives researchers immediate, Web-based access to an extensive range of seminal works from the Reformation and post-Reformation eras.


Global collaborations are the key to greater research productivity

Our purpose is to assist you in maximizing your research productivity through global collaborations. We all have outstanding colleagues, yet have felt the disappointment of these colleagues not sharing our research interests and passions.
This is not modern research-at least it's not what research should be in the 21st century. Why be limited to local research collaborations when there are hundreds or even thousands of research experts across the world with whom you could have highly productive collaborations?
Move beyond collaborations of convenience. Create and manage multiple research projects with the perfect global partners using MyNetResearch's powerful tools to aid your research productivity.

What is MyNetResearch?

MyNetResearch is a worldwide online network of academic and corporate researchers with over a thousand knowledge specializations.
When you join, you create a profile that summarizes your research interests and other key information. Your profile helps you find and be located by this worldwide community of researchers. You can search for other researchers by knowledge specialization, geography and other attributes while creating and managing projects including academic papers, funded grant proposals and inventions. MyNetResearch is located in the United States.

Open Directory Project

The Open Directory Project is the largest, most comprehensive human-edited directory of the Web. It is constructed and maintained by a vast, global community of volunteer editors.

The web continues to grow at staggering rates. Automated search engines are increasingly unable to turn up useful results to search queries. The small paid editorial staffs at commercial directory sites can't keep up with submissions, and the quality and comprehensiveness of their directories has suffered. Link rot is setting in and they can't keep pace with the growth of the Internet.
Instead of fighting the explosive growth of the Internet, the Open Directory provides the means for the Internet to organize itself. As the Internet grows, so do the number of net-citizens. These citizens can each organize a small portion of the web and present it back to the rest of the population, culling out the bad and useless and keeping only the best content.


MedHist is a free catalogue of evaluated, high quality Internet resources and websites relating to the history of medicine and allied sciences, covering all aspects of the history of health and development of medical knowledge. It is aimed at students and staff working within the further and higher education sectors, although it will also appeal to anyone with a general interest in the subject area.


AcademicInfo is an online education resource center with a plethora of online degrees, online courses and distance learning information from a selection of online accredited schools. Our mission is to provide free, independent and accurate information and resources for prospective and current students (and other researchers).

Samstag, 3. September 2011


The digitalMETRO directory is intended to provide increased discoverability and access to online collections created and maintained by member libraries of the Metropolitan New York Library Council.

The March/April issue of D-Lib Magazine features a case study on the open source collection management system, Omeka, used to create METRO's digital collections directory, digitalMETRO. Omeka was used as a test to determine the viability of this platform for member libraries interested in using Omeka to build and deliver their own collections. The paper addresses Omeka's strengths and weaknesses as a software platform for creating and managing digital collections on the web. The analysis includes an examination of original record creation and the extensibility of the system through the use of plug-ins.

Donnerstag, 1. September 2011

Internet Archive WayBackMachine

Browse through over 150 billion web pages archived from 1996 to a few months ago. To start surfing the Wayback, type in the web address of a site or page where you would like to start, and press enter. Then select from the archived dates available. The resulting pages point to other archived pages at as close a date as possible. Keyword searching is not currently supported.

The WWW Virtual Library

The WWW Virtual Library (VL) is the oldest catalogue of the Web, started by Tim Berners-Lee, the creator of HTML and of the Web itself, in 1991 at CERN in Geneva. Unlike commercial catalogues, it is run by a loose confederation of volunteers, who compile pages of key links for particular areas in which they are expert; even though it isn't the biggest index of the Web, the VL pages are widely recognised as being amongst the highest-quality guides to particular sections of the Web.

Zeitungsinformationssystem (ZEFYS)

Im Zeitungsinformationssystem (ZEFYS) finden Sie digitalisierte historische Zeitungen, Volltexte und ausgesuchte Internetquellen und Datenbanken zum Thema Zeitung.
ZEFYS weist derzei t über 82.000 Ausgaben von derzeit 83 historischen Zeitungen aus Deutschland und deutschen Zeitungen des Auslands nach.


The Online Books Page is a website that facilitates access to books that are freely readable over the Internet. It also aims to encourage the development of such online books, for the benefit and edification of all.
Major parts of the site include: