Freitag, 29. Juli 2011

Ausstellung: Die Weisheit baut sich ein Haus - 14.07.2011 - 16.10.2011, München

Seit der Antike dienen Bibliotheken als Speicher des Wissens und als kulturelles Gedächtnis, sie gehören somit zu den ältesten Gebäudetypen. Schon in den biblischen Sprüchen Salomos heißt es: »Die Weisheit hat sich ein Haus gebaut«; dieser Satz findet sich in vielen Buchhäusern als Motto. Die bedeutendsten Architekten widmeten sich seit der Renaissance dieser Bauaufgabe, deshalb nehmen Bibliotheksbauten in der Geschichte der Architektur eine herausragende Stellung ein.

Donnerstag, 28. Juli 2011

IBZ Online: Internationale Bibliographie der geistes- und sozialwissenschaftlichen Zeitschriftenliteratur

Die Bibliographie IBZ ist seit über 100 Jahren das führende internationale Nachschlagewerk für Zeitschriftenaufsätze der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften und angrenzender Fachgebiete. Das Themenspektrum der erfassten Zeitschriften ist fachübergreifend: Publikationen aus 40 Ländern in mehr als 40 Sprachen sind berücksichtigt.
Die Aufsätze werden durch ein Schlagwortsystem unter Berücksichtigung der Personennormdatei (PND) und der Schlagwortnormdatei (SWD) in deutsch und englisch erschlossen. So wird ein schneller Zugriff nach inhaltlichen Kriterien ermöglicht, unabhängig von der zugrundeliegenden Sprache des Aufsatzes.
Die IBZ Online weist derzeit über 3.2 Millionen Zeitschriftenaufsätze aus 11.500 Zeitschriften der Jahre 1983ff nach. Jährlich kommen über 120.000 Eintragungen hinzu. Die Datenbank wird regelmäßig aktualisiert. bietet neben einem ersten Einstieg in zentrale Themengebiete der Geschichtswissenschaft (Rubrik THEMEN,
Tutorials zur Einführung ins wissenschaftliche Arbeiten (Rubrik LEHREN UND LERNEN, und vielfältige Zugänge zu ausgewählten studiums- und forschungsrelevanten Internetressourcen (Rubrik RECHERCHE, Mit Hilfe der Metasuche „chronicon“ können mehrere einschlägige Fachdatenbanken durchsucht werden, sodass auch Dienste einer virtuellen Fachbibliothek zur Verfügung stehen.


libreka! ist die große E-Book-Plattform für den deutschsprachigen Raum - mit einem umfassenden Leistungsangebot, das von der Information über die Möglichkeit zum Reinlesen in Bücher bis zum Kauf von E-Books und gedruckten Büchern reicht. 1.356.475 Bücher aus über 1.494 Verlagen mit über 50 Millionen Buchseiten stehen für die Suche zur Verfügung und 77.964 E-Books zum Kauf bereit. Wer als Leser Bücher sucht, ist bei libreka! an der richtigen Adresse.

Books: Digitale Welt und Wissenschaftliche Bibliothek

Sühl-Strohmenger: Digitale Welt und Wissenschaftliche Bibliothek - Informationspraxis im Wandel:
Determinanten, Ressourcen, Dienste, Kompetenzen: eine Einführung. 2008

Dienstag, 26. Juli 2011

Text Analysis Portal for Research (TAPoR)

TAPoR is a gateway to tools for sophisticated analysis and retrieval, along with representative texts for experimentation.

Features of TAPoR

  • Manage electronic texts
  • Experiment with online text tools
  • Learn about digital textuality

Old Bailey Online

The Old Bailey Proceedings Online makes available a fully searchable, digitised collection of all surviving editions of the Old Bailey Proceedings from 1674 to 1913, and of the Ordinary of Newgate's Accounts between 1676 and 1772. It allows access to over 197,000 trials and biographical details of approximately 2,500 men and women executed at Tyburn, free of charge for non-commercial use.
In addition to the text, accessible through both keyword and structured searching, this website provides digital images of all 190,000 original pages of the Proceedings, 4,000 pages of Ordinary's Accounts, advice on methods of searching this resource, information on the historical and legal background to the Old Bailey court and its Proceedings, and descriptions of published and manuscript materials relating to the trials covered. Contemporary maps, and images have also been provided.

Princeton University Digital Library

A Brand New Face

The web interface to our collection has been completely redesigned to make it easier for patrons to discover what they're looking for. The descriptive metadata for every single item has been upgraded to the latest standards, and it is now indexed by Solr, the powerful search platform used by libraries around the world. Searches are fast; web pages are clean and responsive.
We've redesigned our viewers, too. Reading books and manuscripts is simple and natural, thanks to new page-turning software based on the same framework used by the Internet Archive and the British Library. We've entirely rewritten our structural metadata to support detailed tables of contents, so pages, chapters, and sections are easy to find. Need a close-up view? We've reworked every image in our collection to make it viewable with Djatoka (pronounced Jay Two Kay), the flexible, open-source image-processing tool.

Brand New Content

All the content from the old diglib site will soon be available in the PUDL, as well as many new materials:
  • Four early bibles fron the Scheide Collection
  • The Latin American Posters Collection
  • A large selection of texts from the East Asian Library
  • The Grounds and Buildings Series from the Historical Photographs Collection at the University Archives
  • The prints, drawings, and paintings of William Blake held at Princeton
  • The Thomas Nast Collection
  • The papers of Louis-Alexandre Berthier
  • The Peck Shanamah
  • The Additional Papers of Woodrow Wilson
  • The six-volume Vandermaelen Atlas of 1827
  • Seven volumes of architectural drawings by Jean-Charles Krafft (1764-1833)
  • A rare set of 20th century scrolls depicting the Tokaido Road
  • And many more

Montag, 25. Juli 2011



Formal knowledge representation (KR) is about building models of the world, of a particular domain or a problem, which allow automatic reasoning and interpretation. Such formal models are called ontologies and can be used to provide formal semantics (i.e. machine-interpretable meaning) to any sort of information: databases, catalogues, documents, web pages, etc. Having better "understanding" of the information, the machines can process it in a much more efficient manner.
Imagine, for instance, a typical database populated with the information that John is a son of Mary. It will be able to "answer" just a couple of questions: Which are the sons of Mary? and Which son is John? An ontology-based system could handle much bigger set of questions, because it will be able infer that: John is a child of Mary (the more general relation); Mary is a woman; Mary is the mother of John (the inverse relation); Mary is a relative of John (a generalization of the inverse relationship); etc. Although rather simple for a human, the above facts, would remain "invisible" to a typical database and any other information system, which model of the world is limited to data-structures of strings and numbers.
Unfortunately, building ontologies and specifying the formal semantics of the data could be an extremely slow, expensive, boring, and error-prone task. We believe that advanced linguistic methods can help for easy semantic-enrichment of documents and other data and thus to enable the wide spread of ontology-based systems.
On the other hand, ontologies are crucial for many natural language processing (NLP, knowledge discovery, text mining, etc.) tasks. They are, at the same time, the source of common sense, required to support non-trivial analysis, and the periscope, necessary to interpret, understand and make use of the results. Further, the ontologies are also playing a role in the natural language generation tasks - it is impossible to generate a reasonable, redundancy-free text without a formal model of the domain, the context, and the reader.


The 2 Minute Guide to Helping People Find Stuff with GATE

  1. Take one large pile of text (documents, emails, tweets, patents, papers, transcripts, blogs, comments, acts of parliament, and so on and so forth) -- call this your corpus.
  2. Pick a structured description of interesting things in the text (a telephone directory, or chemical taxonomy, or something from the Linked Data cloud) -- call this your ontology.
  3. Use GATE Teamware to mark up a gold standard example set of annotations of the corpus (1.) relative to the ontology (2.).
  4. Use GATE Developer to build a semantic annotation pipeline to do the annotation job automatically and measure performance against the gold standard.
  5. Take the pipeline from 4. and apply it to your text pile using GATE Cloud (or embed it in your own systems using GATE Embedded).
  6. Use GATE Mimir to store the annotations relative to the ontology in a multiparadigm index server. (For techies: this sits in the backroom as a RESTful web service.)
  7. Use Ontotext KIM to add semantic search, knowledge facet search, ontology browsing, entity popularity graphing, time series graphing, annotation structure search and (last but not least) boolean full text search. (More techy stuff: mash up these types of search with your existing UIs.)

The New Zealand Digital Library Project

The goal of our research program is to explore the potential of internet-based digital libraries. Our vision is to develop systems that automatically impose structure on anarchic, uncatalogued, distributed repositories of information, thereby providing information consumers with effective tools to locate what they need and to peruse it conveniently and comfortably.
Project members are actively working on techniques for creating, managing, and and mainatining collections; extracting metadata from legacy documents; analysing library usage and user needs; Maori, Arabic and Chinese language systems; internationalising the library interface; optical music recognition and musical collections; novel interfaces for formulating queries and visualising results; novel interfaces for browsing metadata; text mining for keyphrases, acronyms, and other metadata; keyphrase extraction and phrase-based browsing; and other research topics.


The myGrid team is a multi-institutional, multi-disciplinary internationally leading reasearch group focussing on the challenges of eScience. We specialise in data and knowledge-intensive e-Laboratories.

The myGrid team develop and use tools to allow users access to the capabilities of e-Science. The tools can be categorized functionally as supporting:

Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (ncse)

The Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (ncse) is a free, online scholarly edition of six nineteenth-century periodicals and newspapers. It is a collaboration between Birkbeck, University of London, King’s College London (Centre for Computing in the Humanities and the Department of English), the British Library, and Olive Software. It was funded from January 2005 to December 2007 by the Arts and Humanities Research Council.
The edition is intended to be of use for anybody with an interest in nineteenth-century literature, history or culture, as well as those interested in the history of the press, or print culture more broadly. It combines easy to use browse functions with advanced searching of the content and the metadata.

National Grid Service (NGS)

The National Grid Service (NGS) aims to facilitate UK research by providing access to a broad range of computational and data based resources.
The goal of the NGS is to deliver a production quality e-infrastructure to support academic research across all Higher Education Institutes  (HEIs) in the UK.
We provide core services to enable collaborative access to computing and data resources in support of UK researchers.
The NGS ensures that UK researchers can efficiently exploit computing facilities all across the globe. To make this possible we have developed partnerships with infrastructures in Europe, the USA, and elsewhere  in the world.
The EU Competitiveness Council has identified provision of e-Infrastructure as crucial to the future success of EU economies in a global market place. To meet this demand the NGS has established itself as the foremost provider of international e-infrastructure for the UK.  
The NGS is funded by JISC and EPSRC, and is led by the STFC e-Science Department. The e-Science department works in close conjunction with the University of Edinburgh, University of Manchester, University of Leeds (White Rose Grid Consortium), and the University of Oxford.


BNCweb is a web-based client program for searching and retrieving lexical, grammatical and textual data from the British National Corpus (BNC). It relies on the Corpus Query Processor (CQP) of the IMS Open Corpus Workbench to provide a convenient interface between the user and the rich variety of annotated text in the 100-million word BNC in its most recent incarnation, the XML-version.

Phrases in English (PIE)

What can PIE do?

Explore the distribution of words and phrases in English via various query interfaces:
  • N-grams are sequences of n words, where n falls in the range 1-8, and word means a token of any lexical entity assigned a PoS tag by the CLAWS parser (details). For example, the most frequent 1-gram in the BNC data is the, and the end of the tops the list of 4-grams.
  • Phrase-frames are sets of variants of an n-gram identical except for one word, represented here by the wildcard symbol *. The most frequent (and most productive, i.e. having the greatest number of variants) 4-frame is the * of the, with 5652 variants such as the end of the, the rest of the, the top of the, the nature of the etc. 
  • PoS-grams are patterns of Part of Speech tags assigned to word forms without reference to the specific lexical entities.  When ordered by types, the most frequent "3-PoS-gram" is ART ADJ NOUN, e.g. the other hand.  On the other hand, when ordered by tokens, the 3-PoS-gram PREP ART NOUN as in at the end are more frequent. 
  • Char-grams are sequences of n letters.  Their distribution can be studied by position (initial, medial, final) as well as by frequency in tokens or types.  Unsurprisingly, the is the most frequent 3-char-gram by tokens (8,222,751 tokens, 1007 types), but ing has the most distinct types (2,991,683 tokens, 9416 types).

Das Deutsche Referenzkorpus – DeReKo

Die Korpora geschriebener Gegenwartssprache des IDS
  • bilden mit über 4,1 Milliarden Wörtern (Stand 29.03.2011) die weltweit größte linguistisch motivierte Sammlung elektronischer Korpora mit geschriebenen deutschsprachigen Texten aus der Gegenwart und der neueren Vergangenheit.
  • enthalten belletristische, wissenschaftliche und populärwissenschaftliche Texte, eine große Zahl von Zeitungstexten sowie eine breite Palette weiterer Textarten und werden kontinuierlich weiterentwickelt.
  • werden im Hinblick auf Umfang, Variabilität, Qualität und Aktualität akquiriert und erlauben in der Nutzungsphase über COSMAS II die Komposition virtueller Korpora, die repräsentativ oder auf spezielle Aufgabenstellungen zugeschnitten sind.
  • enthalten ausschließlich urheberrechtlich abgesichertes Material.

Sketch Engine

The Sketch Engine (SkE) is designed for anyone wanting to research how words behave. It is a Corpus Query System incorporating word sketches, one-page, automatic, corpus-derived summary of a word’s grammatical and collocational behaviour.

A Sketch Engine account gives you

  • Access to large corpora (30M-10B words) for 42 languages
    • More languages to follow
  • WebBootCaT
    • Build your own instant corpus
    • Extract keywords
    • Specialist terminology, any language
  • Corpus building
    • Upload and install your own corpora
Web service using standard browsers. No software installation required.

Michigan Corpus of Academic Spoken English

The Michigan Corpus of Academic Spoken English (MICASE) is a collection of nearly 1.8 million words of transcribed speech (almost 200 hours of recordings) from the University of Michigan (U-M) in Ann Arbor, created by researchers and students at the U-M English Language Institute (ELI). MICASE contains data from a wide range of speech events (including lectures, classroom discussions, lab sections, seminars, and advising sessions) and locations across the university.

British National Corpus

This website allows you to quickly and easily search the 100 million word British National Corpus (1970s-1993). The BNC was originally created by Oxford University Press in the 1980s - early 1990s, and now exists in various versions on the web. If you find this version useful, you may also be interested in other corpora that we have created, including the 410+ million word Corpus of Contemporary American English (1990-2010) and the 400+ million word Corpus of Historical American English (1810-2009).
As with some other BNC interfaces, you can search for words and phrases by exact word or phrase, wildcard or part of speech, or combinations of these.  You can also search for surrounding words (collocates) within a ten-word window (e.g. all nouns somewhere near paper, all adjectives near woman, or all nouns near spin). 

Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA)

The Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA) is the largest freely-available corpus of English, and the only large and balanced corpus of American English. It was created at Brigham Young University in 2008, and it is now used by tens of thousands of users every month (linguists, teachers, translators, and other researchers). COCA is also related to other large corpora that we have created or modified, including the British National Corpus (our architecture and interface), the 100 million word TIME Corpus (1920s-2000s), and the new 400 million word Corpus of Historical American English (COHA; 1810-2009).
The corpus contains more than 425 million words of text and is equally divided among spoken, fiction, popular magazines, newspapers, and academic texts. It includes 20 million words each year from 1990-2011 and the corpus is also updated once or twice a year (the most recent texts are from March 2011). Because of its design, it is perhaps the only corpus of English that is suitable for looking at current, ongoing changes in the language (see the 2011 article in Literary and Linguistic Computing).

Digitale BBF (Bibliothek für Bildungsgeschichtliche Forschung)

Scripta Paedagogica Online ist ein digitales Textarchiv zur Bildungsgeschichte des deutschsprachigen Raums. Es umfasst pädagogische Zeitschriften und Nachschlagewerke, Lehrerverzeichnisse sowie Schulprogramme/Jahresberichte.

Pictura Paedagogica Online ist das Bildarchiv zur Bildungsgeschichte im Internet. Es enthält Buchillustrationen, historische Ansichtskarten, Fotosammlungen und Schülerzeichnungen.

Vox Paedagogica Online ist das digitale Tonarchiv zur Bildungsgeschichte mit Selbstdarstellungen emeritierter Erziehungswissenschafterinnen und Erziehungswissenschaftler.

Editionen mit der Gesamtausgabe der Briefe Friedrich Fröbels.

Sonntag, 24. Juli 2011

Digital Library of the Senckenberg German Entomological Institute Müncheberg

The digital library offers retro-digitized publications of the Senckenberg Deutsches Entomologisches Institut (German Entomological Institute) in full text version. ist eine Online-Bibliothek mit Volltexten historischer, gemeinfreier Werke. Das Angebot ist ein Service des - Verlages.

Zur Verfügung gestellt werden überwiegend Werke, deren Erscheinungsjahr zwischen 1780 und 1930 liegt. Es werden nur Volltexte aufgenommen, deren Nutzungsrechte gemeinfrei sind. Der Zugriff auf den Online-Bestand ist kostenlos.

Samstag, 23. Juli 2011

History Guide - Network Subject Gateways History (nig)

The History Guide provides access to scholarly relevant websites in history. All resources are described and evaluated with a set of Dublin Core metadata.

The History Guide, originally developed and located at Goettingen State and University Library since 1995 within a project funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation) and publicly accessible since 1997 started a cooperation with the InformationsWeiser Geschichte of the Bavarian State Library in 2001. This cooperation has been enlarged within the project Clio-Online and is meanwhile transformed in in a so-called netzwerk internetressourcen geschichte (Network Subject Gateways History) (nig).

Freitag, 22. Juli 2011

Centre for e-Research (CeRch) - King's College London

Launched in April 2008 following the sad demise of the Arts and Humanities Data Service (AHDS) and the cessation of the Methods Network, the Centre for e-Research (CeRch) is a research centre located in Information Services and Systems (ISS) – an academic Centre outside the Schools and Departmental structure aimed at facilitating interdisciplinary, institutional, national and international collaboration.

The Centre’s strengths are in undertaking applied research in the areas of: sustainable e-infrastructures for research; digital libraries and digital archives including data use, creation, curation and preservation; researcher practices in the digital domain; and ICT-Methods with particular expertise in e-Science, geo-spatial and geo-temporal methods, text mining, textual analysis, and the use of grid and cloud infrastructures.

Images from the History of Medicine (IHM)

Images from the History of Medicine (IHM) provides access to nearly 70,000 images in the collections of the History of Medicine Division (HMD) of the U.S National Library of Medicine (NLM).
The collection includes portraits, photographs, caricatures, genre scenes, posters, and graphic art illustrating the social and historical aspects of medicine dated from the 15th to 21st century.

Zentrale Datenbank Nachlässe (ZDN)

Die Zentrale Datenbank Nachlässe ZDN baut auf dem von Wolfgang Mommsen publizierten Verzeichnis "Die Nachlässe in den deutschen Archiven" (Teil I 1971, Teil II 1981) auf, das ca. 7.000 Nachlässe mit ihren Standorten, kurzen Angaben zur Biographie sowie Art und Inhalt der Überlieferung nachweist. Seit 1992 hat das Bundesarchiv diese Nachweise durch Umfragen bei deutschen und einigen ausländischen Archiven und anderen Verwahrstellen aktualisiert und um die Daten zu Nachlässen ergänzt, die nach 1979 neu erworben wurden. Alle Informationen zu inzwischen mehr als 25.000 Nachlässen und Teilnachlässen aus mehr als 1000 Institutionen sind in der ZDN erfasst, die das Bundesarchiv seit dem Jahr 2002 im Internet verfügbar macht. Seit Oktober 2004 steht den beteiligten Institutionen ein online-Pflegemodul zur Verfügung, mit dessen Hilfe inzwischen mehr als 300 Institutionen Ihre Nachlassdaten in der Datenbank erfassen, ergänzen und ändern, so dass mit der ZDN ein ständig anwachsender und stets aktueller Nachweis von Nachlässen verfügbar ist.

The Medici Archive Project

The Medici Archive Project is a non-profit international Foundation based in the Archivio di Stato in Florence, Italy with offices in the United States. This ambitious online archive project is dedicated to revealing the astonishing story of the most influential family dynasty in Western civilization: the Medici.


  • To create worldwide access to the historical data in the Medici Grand Ducal Archive by way of a free fully searchable on-line database
  • To participate in the dialogue, development and fostering of cutting-edge digital technology, applicable to the Project yet beneficial for the worldwide scholarly community as a whole
  • To train emerging scholars in the values and methods of archival research through hands-on work in the Medici Grand Ducal Archive
  • To encourage the publication of documentary material in the Medici Grand Ducal Archive and elsewhere, in print and electronic formats
  • To encourage the study of Italian Renaissance paleography through the development of online courses
  • To create a publications series under our own imprint of the research of present and past Fellows
  • To maintain and expand the current flow of Research Fellows through third-party sponsorship of three-year fellowships
  • To advocate the importance of the Medici Grand Ducal Archive and other documentary sources in achieving a full understanding of human activity in past ages.

Donnerstag, 21. Juli 2011

Liquid Books - Die Zukunft des Buches, Teil 3/ The future of books, part 3

In the LiquidPub project we have explored and proposed the concept of Liquid Books (LB) as collaborative, evolutionary, possibly open-source and multifaceted versions of the traditional books (either printed or digital). Liquid Books are a new way of thinking about books in the Internet era. In Liquid Books, authors share material (and so, collaborate, as authors in an ordinary book or in a wikibook) but each author is then free (within the boundaries of a contractual agreement that we have identified) to take any of the shared material and edit/organize in any way they want, and to then have an own edition of book that leverages the knowledge of the group but that does not require everybody to share the same view on the content or organization of the edition. Liquid books include multifaceted content, which stay up to date with the current state of art (as they continuously evolve over time) while reducing the typical time to market interval. The key issues we have found in our research are not IT-related but rather related to the setting up of a suitable contract, licensing, credit attribution, royalties and dissemination model.

Siehe auch den Link / also see:

Liquid Publications: Scientific Publications meet the Web

The production of scientific knowledge in the form of conference papers, journal articles, and textbooks has failed to keep pace with advances in Information and Communications Technology (ICT). The World-Wide Web and other advances in computer technologies have had noticeable effect on the ways scientific activity is conducted, but little effect on the ways scientific knowledge is produced, disseminated, evaluated, and consumed.
The Liquid Publications Project is based on the primary intuition that the evolution and use of scientific knowledge objects is similar to the evolution and use of open-source software. Both scientific knowledge and open-source software are complex, malleable, artistic creations of the human mind that evolve in multiple directions through collaboration. Further, just as computer software has become de-coupled from specific computer hardware, scientific knowledge has become de-coupled from the specific physical aspects of a scientific field through storage, manipulation, simulation, and recombination in electronic form.
While scientific collaborations and collaboration technologies have advanced, the collaborative evaluation of scientific knowledge has not. Scientific communities continue to evaluate scientific knowledge using essentially the same peer-review techniques used 100 years ago. Eprint Archive

Open access to 689,802 e-prints in Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Quantitative Biology, Quantitative Finance and Statistics. is a publication platform for scholarly blogs. It enables researchers to provide real-time updates of developpements in their own research. Scholarly blogs can take numerous forms: accounts of archaeological excavations, current collective research or fieldwork; thematic research; books or periodicals reviews; newsletter etc. offers scholarly blogs the enhanced visibility of its humanities and social sciences platform. The team provides support and assistance to researchers for the technical and the editorial aspects of their project.


LibraryThing is a cataloging and social networking site for book lovers.
LibraryThing helps you create a library-quality catalog of books: books you own, books you've read, books you'd like to read, books you've lent out ... whatever grouping you'd like.
Since everyone catalogs online, they also catalog together. You can contribute tags, ratings and reviews for a book, and Common Knowledge (facts about a book or author, like character names and awards), as well as participate in member forums or join the Early Reviewers program. Everyone gets the benefit of everyone else's work. LibraryThing connects people based on the books they share.
LibraryThing is a cataloging and social networking site for book lovers.

Also a German version:

LibraryThing ist eine online Bücherverwaltung jedoch auch ein soziales Netzwerk für Bücherliebhaber.
LibraryThing hilft Dir einen Katalog in Bibliothek-Qualität zu erzeugen: Bücher welche du besitzt, gelesen hast, lesen möchtest, ausgeliehen hast ... Unterteile Deine Bücher wie Du gerne möchtest.
Da jeder online mitkatalogisieren kann, arbeiten alle zusammen. Du kannst Schlagwörter, Bewertungen und Reviews über ein Buch, und bekannte Fakten bearbeiten (über Buch oder Author, Charakternamen oder Auszeichnungen), aber auch im Forum teilnehmen oder in den Kreis der Early Reviewers eintreten. Jeder kann von der Mitarbeit der Anderen profitieren. LibraryThing verbindet die Personen auf Basis der Bücher welche sie teilen.
LibraryThing ist eine online Bücherverwaltung jedoch auch ein soziales Netzwerk für Bücherliebhaber.

eep - educational evidence portal

This portal helps you find educational evidence from a range of reputable UK sources using a single search. It is designed for both professional and lay people interested in education and children's services.

News: Start der Deutschen Digitalen Bibliothek 2012

Ute Schwens, Direktorin der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek in Frankfurt, kündigt im Tagesspiegel den Start der Deutschen Digitalen Bibliothek (DDB) 2012 an. Im ersten Halbjahr soll bereits der Zugriff auf mehrere Millionen Bücher, Musikstücke, Filme, Fotos und 3D-Objekte über das Internet möglich sein. Für Oktober dieses Jahres ist der Start eines mehrmonatigen Testbetriebs geplant. Zwei bis drei Millionen Objekte soll die Datenbank dann enthalten.

Mittwoch, 20. Juli 2011

The Homer Multitext

The Homer Multitext seeks to present the textual transmission of the Homeric Iliad and Odyssey in a historical framework. Such a framework is needed to account for the full reality of a complex medium of oral performance that underwent many changes over a long period of time. These changes, as reflected in the many texts of Homer, need to be understood in their many different historical contexts. The Homer Multitext provides ways to view these contexts both synchronically and diachronically.

Annotierte Bibliographie zur Literaturtheorie

Die Annotierte Bibliographie zur Literaturtheorie ist eine Datenbank, in der Titel zur aktuellen Literaturtheorie erfasst werden. Literaturtheoretisch relevante Beiträge zu Bezugstheorien, Interpretationstheorien und methodischen Ansätzen ab 1900 bis zur Gegenwart sollen möglichst vollständig aufgenommen werden. Berücksichtigt werden alle gängigen Publikationsformen. Derzeit liegt der Schwerpunkt auf deutsch- und englischsprachigen Veröffentlichungen. Momentan finden Sie überwiegend Titel aus dem Zeitraum von 1970 bis 2006.

Außer den bibliographischen Angaben enthalten die vollständigen Einträge Annotationen sowie, wenn vorhanden, Verweise auf Rezensionen und weiterführende externe Links. Die Benutzer können nach Titeln zu einzelnen Theorien, bestimmten Schlagwörtern und Verfassern suchen. In einem Glossar finden sie kurze Begriffsbestimmungen zu wichtigen literaturtheoretischen Fachtermini. Auf diese Weise sollen die Benutzer sich einen schnellen bibliographischen Überblick über aktuelle literaturtheoretische Entwicklungen verschaffen können.

Die Datenbank gibt allen Benutzern außerdem die Möglichkeit, neue Einträge vorzunehmen, die nach einer redaktionellen Prüfung der Daten dem Bestand hinzugefügt werden. Auch bereits aufgenommene Titel können von Interessierten annotiert werden.

Die Datenbank befindet sich im Aufbau. Sie geht mit über 1000 Titeleinträgen online und wird kontinuierlich erweitert. Langfristig sollen über die Datenbank auch der Zugriff auf Volltext-Dokumente zur Literaturtheorie ermöglicht und literaturtheoretische Forschungen über den deutsch- und englischsprachigen Raum hinaus erfasst werden.

Eine ausführlichere Beschreibung des Projekts finden Sie im folgenden Beitrag:
Matthias Beilein / Katharina Prinz / Simone Winko: Das Projekt "Annotierte Bibliographie zur Literaturtheorie". Vorstellung der Datenbank. In: Jahrbuch für Computerphilologie 9 (2008). online-Version.

Germanistik im Netz

Text Encoding Initiative (TEI)

The Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) is a consortium which collectively develops and maintains a standard for the representation of texts in digital form. Its chief deliverable is a set of Guidelines which specify encoding methods for machine-readable texts, chiefly in the humanities, social sciences and linguistics. Since 1994, the TEI Guidelines have been widely used by libraries, museums, publishers, and individual scholars to present texts for online research, teaching, and preservation. In addition to the Guidelines themselves, the Consortium provides a variety of supporting resources, including resources for learning TEI, information on projects using the TEI, TEI-related publications, and software developed for or adapted to the TEI.

Digitales Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache (DWDS)

Ziel des an der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften beheimateten Vorhabens ist die Schaffung eines „Digitalen Lexikalischen Systems“ - einer umfassenden, jedem Benutzer über das Internet zugänglichen Datenbank, die Auskunft über den deutschen Wortschatz in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart gibt. Dazu wird eine Benutzeroberfläche geschaffen, die zum einen als „lexikographischer Arbeitsplatz“ für die wissenschaftliche Analyse des deutschen Wortschatzes fungiert, zum anderen aber jedem Interessierten viele Suchmöglichkeiten eröffnet.

Department of Digital Humanities on King's College

The Department of Digital Humanities (DDH) is an academic department in the School of Arts and Humanities at King's College London. Formerly called the Centre for Computing in the Humanities, DDH is an international leader in the application of technology in the arts and humanities, and in the social sciences.
The primary objective of DDH is to study the possibilities of computing for arts and humanities scholarship and, in collaboration with local, national and international research partners across the disciplines, to design and build applications which implement these possibilities, in particular those which produce online research publications.


Die auf dieser Website zur Verfügung gestellten Inhalte sind Resultat eines vom österreichischen Forschungsfonds ( FWF) geförderten Projekts, das am 1. März 2007 am Innsbrucker Zeitungsarchiv ( IZA) startete und am 23. Dezember 2010 endete. Das Projekt DILIMAG dient der Erfassung, Beschreibung und Archivierung von deutschsprachigen digitalen Literaturmagazinen. Es wird in Zusammenarbeit mit der Abteilung für Digitalisierung und elektronische Archivierung (DEA) der Unversitäts- und und Landesbibliothek Tirol Innsbruck ( ULB) ausgeführt. Die Sammlung wird nach Projektende vom Innsbrucker Zeitungsarchv / IZA weitergeführt.

Tagungsbericht: Im Netz der sozialen Medien. Neue Publikations- und Kommunikationswege in den Geisteswissenschaften (27.06.2011-28.06.2011, Paris)

In den letzten Jahren ist die Anzahl neuer sozialer Netzwerke beachtlich gestiegen. Einige davon, wie zum Beispiel oder research gate, sind speziell für die Bedürfnisse von Wissenschaftlern entworfen. Aber auch Twitter und Facebook finden immer mehr ihren Einsatz in der wissenschaftlichen Kommunikation und Information. Ob und wie sich dabei unsere Wissenschaftskultur verändert, das war neben dem Versuch einer Bestandsaufnahme das grundlegende Thema der Tagung „Im Netz der sozialen Medien: Neue Publikations- und Kommunikationswege in den Geisteswissenschaften“. Es ist die dritte Veranstaltung zum Thema „Digital Humanities“, die am Deutschen Historischen Institut in Paris stattfand.

DiFMOE: Digitales Forum Mittel- & Osteuropa

Das Portal historischer deutschsprachiger Periodika in Mittel- und Osteuropa.

Das deutschsprachige Verlags-, Druck- und Zeitungswesen blickt auch außerhalb des geschlossenen deutschen Sprachgebietes - namentlich in Mittel- und Osteuropa - auf eine Jahrhunderte alte Vergangenheit zurück. Entsprechend umfangreich sind die diesbezüglichen Bestände in den zahlreichen Archiven und Bibliotheken der Großregion.
Die Druckerzeugnisse jener Zeiten spiegeln vergangene Lebenswelten wider. - Lebenswelten, die sich in diesen größtenteils multiethnischen Räumen Deutsche mit ihren jeweiligen Nachbarn bis zu den erzwungenen massenhaften Migrationsbewegungen in der Folge des Zweiten Weltkriegs teilten.
Ziel des Digitalen Forums Mittel- und Osteuropa ist es, diese vom Verfall bedrohten und bereits teilweise in Vergessenheit geratenen Bestände im Laufe der nächsten Jahre systematisch zu erschließen, digital zu sichern und zu archivieren und mittels eines Online-Portals der breiteren Öffentlichkeit, vor allem aber der Wissenschaft zugänglich zu machen. Gleichzeitig soll das Portal den Charakter einer gegenstandsbezogenen Plattform erhalten, mit Möglichkeiten zum Austausch, zur Diskussion und zur digitalen Publikation.

EFG - european film gateway

The EFG Portal gives you quick and easy access to hundreds of thousands of film historical documents as preserved in European film archives and cinémathèques: photos, posters, programmes, periodicals, censorship documents, rare feature and documentary films, newsreels and other materials. Targeted at scientific researchers and the interested public alike, the EFG offers a look at and behind the scenes of filmmaking in Europe from the early days until today. The EFG facilitates online access to historical documents and leads you directly to the archives that hold the originals.

Das European Film Gateway ist ein Portal, das schnellen und einfachen Zugriff auf hunderttausende von filmhistorischen Dokumenten bietet, die in 16 europäischen Filmarchiven und Kinematheken verwahrt werden. Hierzu gehören Stand- und Setfotos, Filmplakate, Produktionsunterlagen, Kostümentwürfe, Programmhefte, Zeitschriften, Zensurkarten, seltene Spiel- und Dokumentarfilme, Wochenschauen und weiteres Material aus 15 unterschiedlichen Ländern. Wissenschaftlern und Filmfans bietet EFG Einblick in die europäische Filmproduktion von den Anfangstagen bis heute. Nutzer des Portals können nach Personen, wie etwa Marlene Dietrich, aber auch nach Filmtiteln oder Schlagworten suchen. Sie erhalten eine Übersicht über die in den unterschiedlichen Archiven vorliegenden Materialien, die direkt im Portal angeschaut werden können. Das Portal bietet immer den Link zur Internetseite des jeweiligen Archivs und wirkt damit als eine Suchmaschine über Bestände der beteiligten Filmarchive.

Dienstag, 19. Juli 2011

The Archimedes Palimpsest Project

The subject of this website is a manuscript of extraordinary importance to the history of science, the Archimedes Palimpsest. This thirteenth century prayer book contains erased texts that were written several centuries earlier still. These erased texts include two treatises by Archimedes that can be found nowhere else, The Method and Stomachion. The manuscript sold at auction to a private collector on the 29th October 1998. The owner deposited the manuscript at The Walters Art Museum in Baltimore, Maryland, a few months later. Since that date the manuscript has been the subject of conservation, imaging and scholarship, in order to better read the texts. The Archimedes Palimpsest project, as it is called, has shed new light on Archimedes and revealed new texts from the ancient world. It has also generated a great deal of public curiosity, as well as the interest of scholars throughout the world. I do hope that you find answers to some of the questions you may have concerning the manuscript and the progress of the project on this site.

DIAMM ((Digital Image Archive of Medieval Music)

Aufgabe von DIAMM (Digital Image Archive of Medieval Music) ist die Sammlung, Archivierung und, wenn nötig, digitale Aufbereitung elektronischer Aufnahmen von europäischen Handschriften mit mittelalterlicher mehrstimmiger Musik. Diese Quellen umfassen neben den seltenen vollständig erhaltenen Handschriften aus Europa, die bereits seit langem wissenschaftliche Aufmerksamkeit auf sich gezogen haben, vor allem die weitaus größere Anzahl handschriftlicher Fragmente, die oft kaum noch lesbar, datierbar und interpretierbar sind. Zusammen genommen bilden letztere eine reiche Ressource, die bislang vergleichsweise wenig beachtet wurde, weil diese Quellen, die von Verfall oder Verlust bedroht sind, meist schwer zugänglich bzw. schlecht lesbar sind und sich wegen ihrer Verstreutheit kaum vergleichen lassen.

News: OCR - chinesische Handschriften


The world is undergoing a digital-data revolution. More and more data is born digital. Almost every business, government and organisational activity is driven by data and produces data. Science, engineering, medicine, design and innovation are powered by data. This prevalence of data in all that we do is changing society, organisations and individual behaviour.

Books: e-Science: Past, present and future

e-Science is about global collaboration in key areas of science, and the next generation of computational infrastructure that will enable it. These two volumes contain selected papers from the UK e-Science All Hands Meeting 2009, which was held in Oxford in December 2009.
This meeting has become the annual event where computational scientists and technologists come together to share, discuss and advance the exciting research that has grown out of the UK e-Science Programme.
The papers in these volumes illustrate the breadth and depth of e-Science, and show why it is revolutionising the way in which science is carried out.
The areas covered include: social sciences, arts and humanities; medical and biological sciences; physical and engineering sciences; environmental and Earth sciences; sharing and collaboration; distributed and high performance computing technologies; data and information management; user engagement and foundations of e-Science.

Data Management through e-Social Science (DAMES)

DAMES is an ESRC research Node in e-Social Science. The Node commenced 1st February 2008. The Node is based at the Universities of Stirling and Glasgow.
The Node's projects cover case studies, provision and support of data management activities undertaken by social scientists. By 'data management', we mean tasks associated with preparing and enhancing data for the benefit of analysis (such as recoding and constructing variables; linking datasets; 'cleaning data', and data 'preparation' or 'manipulation').

OMII - uk

OMII-UK provides and supports free, open-source software to enable a sustained future for the UK e-Research community.
We help new users to get started with e-Research, we provide the software that researchers need from our extensive catalogue and we support all of our software through our helpdesk.

We constantly improve the provision of e-Research software by commissioning developers to create software that meets the needs of the research community.
Our involvement in various projects, committees and standards groups helps us to direct the development of e-Research and maintain our cutting-edge position in the field.

UK National e-Science Centre (NeSC)

NeSC Mission Statement
  • To stimulate and sustain the development of e-Science in the UK, to contribute significantly to its international development and to ensure that its techniques are rapidly propagated to commerce and industry.
  • To identify and support e-Science projects within and between institutions in Scotland, and to provide the appropriate technical infrastructure and support in order to ensure rapid uptake of e-Science techniques by Scottish scientists.
  • To encourage the interaction and bi-directional flow of ideas between computing science research and e-Science applications
To develop advances in scientific data curation and analysis and to be a primary source of top quality systems and repositories that enable management, sharing and best use of research data.

Digital (Oral) History

Das Internet ist ein Zukunftsmedium – dabei gibt es auch hier gut gemachte Geschichtsangebote.
Die Zukunftsorientierung gehört so konstituierend zum Netz wie URLs, soziale Netzwerke oder Debatten über Netzneutralität. Doch das Netz liefert längst auch wichtige Beiträge zur modernen Geschichtsschreibung. Digital Oral History sozusagen. Dabei geht nicht um wissenschaftliche Angebote wie den akademischen Wikipedia-Klon Docupedia oder das spröde, aber intensiv genutzte Forschungsportal H-Soz-Kult. Viel mehr geht es um populäre Angebote, die Geschichtsschreibung zu etwas Alltäglichem machen. Man könnte von User-generated-History sprechen. Eines der attraktivsten Angebote in diesem Zusammenhang liefert die Plattform Historypin.

Samstag, 16. Juli 2011

Digital Collections of the Warburg Institute

The aim of these digital collections is to make out-of-print source material on Medieval and Renaissance studies freely available online. Books are scanned, printed out on archival paper, bound and placed on the shelves. The originals are kept in the Reserve Books Room. A low resolution version of the pdf file is placed on the web and made available through the ulrls catalogue. The record of each book contains a link to its pdf file. Download may take from a few seconds to a few minutes depending on the size of the file as well as the age and connection speed of your computer (follow this link to download the pdf reader).

Freitag, 15. Juli 2011

INHA (Institut national d'histoire de l'art)

La bibliothèque numérique de l’INHA permet de consulter l’ensemble des manuscrits d’Eugène Delacroix (son Journal, ses cahiers d’écolier, sa correspondance…) conservés dans les collections Jacques Doucet et à la BCMN.
Les carnets de voyage de Linant de Bellefonds, les archives et la correspondance du peintre Meissonier, ainsi que des collectionneurs Alexandre Charles Sauvageot et Alfred Bruyas, figurent également parmi les documents d’archives numérisés.
Auxquels s’ajoute une importante collection de lettres autographes, notamment de Vernet, Courbet, Millet, Riesener, Villot, Champollion…

Digital Collections of the Getty Research Institute

Sammlungen zu Architektur, zeitgenössischer Kunst, Archäologie, u.a.

Collections of architecture, arts, archaeology...

Archäologische Literatur – digital

ART-Doc (Publikationsplattform Kunstgeschichte)

ART-Dok, der Volltextserver der Virtuellen Fachbibliothek Kunstgeschichte,, wird von der Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg im Rahmen des DFG geförderten Sondersammelgebiets Kunstgeschichte bereitgestellt. Die Publikationsplattform bietet Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern weltweit die Möglichkeit, ihre Veröffentlichungen aus dem Fachbereich Kunstgeschichte kostenlos und in elektronischer Form nach den Grundsätzen des Open Access im WWW verfügbar zu machen. Die Arbeiten werden mit standardisierten Adressen (URN) und Metadaten (OAI-PMH) dauerhaft und zitierfähig archiviert. Sie sind damit in verschiedenen Bibliothekskatalogen und Suchmaschinen weltweit recherchierbar.

Donnerstag, 14. Juli 2011

Mittwoch, 13. Juli 2011

News: Textgrid erwirbt

TextGrid hat die online-Bibliothek von erworben. Dabei handelt es sich um eine umfangreiche Sammlung von Texten vom Anfang des Buchdrucks bis zu den ersten Jahrzehnten des 20. Jahrhunderts in digitaler Form. Für die Germanistische Literaturwissenschaft ist die Sammlung von besonderem Interesse, da sie nahezu alle wichtigen kanonisierten Texte und zahlreiche weitere literarturhistorisch relevante Texte enthält, deren urheberrechtliche Schutzfrist abgelaufen ist. Ähnliches gilt für die Philosophie und die Kulturwissenschaften insgesamt. Die Texte stammen zum größten Teil aus Studienausgaben und sind daher zitierfähig; das gilt auch für den Rest, der weitgehend auf die Digitalisierung von Erstdrucken zurückgeht.

Dienstag, 12. Juli 2011

The Electronic Life Of The Academy (TELOTA)

Mit dem Fortschreiten der Informationstechnik sind in allen Wissenschaften neue Möglichkeiten der Forschung entstanden. Die Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften versucht als eine der größten außeruniversitären Forschungseinrichtungen der Region Berlin-Brandenburg, die sich ergebenden Chancen zu erkunden und zu nutzen. Zu diesem Zweck wurde im Jahr 2002 die Initiative „The Electronic Life Of The Academy“ (TELOTA) ins Leben gerufen. Seither sind umfangreiche Wissensbestände, vor allem aus den Geisteswissenschaften, über das Internet der Fachöffentlichkeit und einem breiten Publikum zugänglich gemacht worden.

Interessant v.a. der digitale Wissensspeicher:

Die Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften (BBAW) hat sich im vergangenen Jahrzehnt intensiv in der Erschließung digitaler Medien für Forschung und Wissenschaft engagiert. Mit der Gründung der Arbeitsgruppe TELOTA (The Electronic Life Of The Academy) trieb die Akademie die neuen Entwicklungen in der Informationserschließung aktiv voran. TELOTA kommt dabei eine doppelte Aufgabenstellung zu: Zum Einen sollen aus einer Forschungsperspektive neue Optionen erörtert werden, die sich für die geisteswissenschaftliche Grundlagenforschung der Akademie bei einer Orientierung auf die neuen Medien ergeben. Zum Anderen sollen in enger Zusammenarbeit mit den Akademievorhaben digitale Ressourcen realisiert werden. Dies bedeutet eine Konkretisierung der parallel dazu stattfindenden Theoriearbeit und erschließt den beteiligten Vorhaben einen größeren Mehrwert aus ihrer Arbeit und stellt die Arbeitsergebnisse in neue Kontexte.
Der Wissensspeicher der BBAW bietet Ihnen die Möglichkeit, von einer zentralen Anlaufstelle aus auf die meisten der in diesem Prozess entstandenen digitalen Ressourcen der Akademie zuzugreifen. Darüber hinaus sind in ihm auch Ressourcen erfasst, die aus eigener Initiative in den Vorhaben ohne Zusammenarbeit mit TELOTA entstanden sind. Ebenfalls aufgenommen wurden Objekte, an denen Vorhaben der BBAW in Kooperation mit anderen Wissenschaftseinrichtungen gearbeitet haben und die häufig eine internationale Tragweite besitzen. Ebenfalls erfasst sind die Texte aus dem Dokumentenserver (eDoc).
Im Wissensspeicher befinden sich neben Textdateien vielfältige Ressource-Typen, die von digitalen und interaktiven Editionen über Datenbanksammlungen zu Multimedia-Inhalten reichen. Mit der Zusammenführung dieser Inhalte in ein System ergibt sich die Möglichkeit, Übersichten über die zur Verfügung stehenden Ressourcen entlang inhaltlicher Fragestellungen oder über einen bestimmten Arbeitsbereich zu gewinnen. Der Wissensspeicher stellt somit auch den Versuch dar, den Gebrauchswert der Ressourcen durch ihre Verknüpfung um eine neue Dimension zu erweitern. In den meisten Fällen verweisen die Angaben zu einer Ressource über eine URL auf die Ressource selbst. In wenigen Fällen ist diese jedoch nicht im Web zugänglich sondern liegt offline vor. Bei Interesse wenden Sie sich bitte an das beteiligte Vorhaben.

Digitale Bibliothek - BNU Strasbourg

Seit den 1990er Jahren digitalisiert die BNU Teile ihres Bestandes kontinuierlich. Sie beabsichtigt heute, diesen Bereich stark auszubauen und  ihn als eine ihrer Prioritäten voranzutreiben, wie dies im Bibliotheksplan 2009-2012 sowie dem Vierjahresplan 2009-2012 vorgesehen ist.
Die Digitalisierung in der BNU verfolgt drei Ziele:
  • Konservierung der Bestände: Die Digitalisierung fragiler, wertvoller oder beschädigter Dokumente ermöglicht eine Sicherung durch einen Ersatzdatenträger.
  • Die Verbreitung: Freier Online-Zugriff auf die wertvollen Dokumente, die der Allgemeinheit gehören;
  • Fortschritt der wissenschaftlichen Forschung: gestützt auf der Auswertung dokumentarischer Quellen.
Die BNU arbeitet mit zahlreichen lokalen, regionalen, nationalen und internationalen Partnern zusammen. Neben ihrem eigenen Budget erhält die BNU seit mehreren Jahren  finanzielle Unterstützung durch den Conseil régional d'Alsace zur Aufbewahrung und Verbreitung elsässischer Kulturgüter. Dank solcher Subventionen konnten alle regionalen Zeitschriften seit 1870 auf Mikrofilm gespeichert und Alsatica-Referenzwerke sowie mehrere grafische Sammlungen, die mit dem Elsass in Zusammenhang stehen, digitalisiert werden. Die BNU ist auch am Digitalisierungsprojekt der mittelalterlichen Manuskripte des Instituts für Forschung und Textgeschichte (Institut de Recherche et d'Histoire des textes) beteiligt.


Ziel des Projektes ist es, in Deutschland eine Infrastruktur für kostengünstige digitale Langzeitarchivierung aufzubauen. Dazu gehört die Schaffung eines deutschen Privaten LOCKSS Netwerks (Private LOCKSS Network - PLN) inklusive eines deutschsprachigen Kompetenzzentrums, das bei grundsätzlichen Fragen zum Thema digitale Langzeitarchivierung, Installation und Betrieb von sog. LOCKSS-Boxen und bei der Entwicklung und Konfiguration von Plugins für verschiedene Zielsysteme beratend zur Verfügung steht. Neben den englischsprachigen Standorten Stanford und Edinburgh wird damit ein dritter Support-Standort eingerichtet, der speziell auf den deutschsprachigen Raum zugeschnitten ist.

Scholarly information today is mainly born digital and is increasingly made available through digital means. This makes effective long term digital preservation urgent for researchers in every field. Scholars know this is important, but generally assume that others, especially libraries, will address the problem. No simple solution exists. Multiple backups are a help, but do not address problems of integrity or authenticity or usability and older backups on tape are particularly vulnerable to physical or magnetic decay. Serious research on this topic has gone on for a decade with valuable tools such as LOCKSS and KOPAL as a result, but far more research remains to do. The problem of long term digital archiving is not solved, but becomes more solvable as the research moves forward. This project sets up a network infrastructure that takes an active step toward preserving bitstream integrity while ensuring readability, and then tests the product with materials from German institutional repositories.

Montag, 11. Juli 2011

Stip: Projektförderung des BMBF "eHumanities"

Workshop: Language Technologies for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage, Hamburg 2011-09-15/16

Conf.: International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, Berlin 2011-09-25/29


The eDoc server provides a unique entry point to the accumulated research output of the Max Planck Society. Institutes of the Max Planck Society are invited by the president to use the eDoc -Server to collect their scientific documents in digital form, manage their publication data and to increase the visibility of their digital collections. Via eDoc, scientists can make their work openly accessible online with the technological and institutional backing of the Max Planck Society.
Since 2007, the Max Planck Digital Library (MPDL) is responsible for maintenance of the eDoc Server. In parallel, the MPDL developed PubMan, an improved repository software, which is part of the eSciDoc infrastructure for the MPG. Since 2009, the solution is introduced at the Max Planck Institutes and the publication data are gradually migrated from the current repository eDoc to the central installation of PubMan for the MPG.

Max Planck Digital Library

The Max Planck Digital Library (MPDL) is a scientific service unit within the Max Planck Society, established in January 2007.
The MPDL provides services to help the MPS researchers manage their scientific information workflow. Such services comprise the provision of actual content and of technical solutions, but also the support to users by acting as a centre of competence and community facilitator in the domain of scientific information management.
This is achieved through close collaboration with the Max Planck Institutes and their libraries. The core activities of the MPDL lie in building up infrastructures and tools for publications and research data.
A substantial task of the MPDL is to provide most effective access to scientific information and fostering the Open Access policy of the Max Planck Society.


eSciDoc is an e-Research environment developed specifically for use by scientific and scholarly communities to collaborate globally and interdisciplinary. It comprises core functionality including a Fedora repository (eSciDoc Infrastructure), a set of complementing services (eSciDoc Services), and application build on top of the infrastructure and the services (eSciDoc Applications) that enable innovative eScience scenarios. Scientists, librarians, and software developers can work with research data, create novel forms of publications, and establish new ways of scientific and scholarly communication.

Digitale historische Bibliothek Erfurt/Gotha

Die Universitäts- und Forschungsbibliothek Erfurt/Gotha bewahrt eine einzigartige Sammlung an Handschriften, Alten Drucken und Karten. Die digitale historische Bibliothek Erfurt/Gotha stellt forschungsrelevante, besonders wertvolle oder häufig genutzte Teile ihres historischen Bestandes über das Internet bereit. Alle digitalisierten Titel werden auf diesen Seiten präsentiert. Sie werden zusätzlich auch über den Online-Katalog der Universitäts- und Forschungsbibliothek Erfurt/Gotha erschlossen.

Digitale Bibliothek Thüringen (DBT)

University of Tennessee: Digital Library
With a lot of special collections:

Sonntag, 10. Juli 2011

BABS - Das bibliothekarische Archivierungs- und Bereitstellungssystem

Main Tasks:
  1. The elaboration of legal regulations and agreements for transfer, storage, indexing and accessibility of data in collaboration with the rights holders and producers (publishers, agencies, academic institutions etc.).
  2. The development of indexing procedures for heterogeneous media types on the basis of existing metadata standards and in coordination with other long-term archiving projects.
  3. Conception, implementation and continuous improvement of workflows for the processing of digital works and their integration into the overall organization of the library. The project team maintains a close dialogue with the involved departments and the division heads of the library, especially with the Digital Library Unit (Munich Digitzation Center)and the Unit for Periodicals and electronic Media, as well as with the User Services Department and the Bavarian Library Network (BVB).
  4. Modular construction and development and the continuous expansion and improvement of the technical infrastructure towards a trustworthy and scalable long-term archive.
  5. Design and testing of methods for long-term archiving, both for the physical preservation of the data and for the preservation of availability (access).
  6. Participation in national and international boards for the coordination and standardisation of long-term preservation procedures.
  7. Conception and implementation projects.

Free OCR-Software from Google Docs

Digitale Bibliothek Braunschweig

Freitag, 8. Juli 2011

Wortschatzportal Universität Leipzig

Mit Internationalem Wortschatzportal und Wörterbuch deutsch-englisch:

National Centre for Text Mining (NaCTeM)

The National Centre for Text Mining (NaCTeM) is the first publicly-funded text mining centre in the world. We provide text mining services in response to the requirements of the UK academic community. NaCTeM is operated by the University of Manchester with close collaboration with the University of Tokyo.
On our website, you can find pointers to sources of information about text mining such as links to
  • text mining services provided by NaCTeM
  • software tools, both those developed by the NaCTeM team and by other text mining groups
  • seminars, general events, conferences and workshops
  • tutorials and demonstrations
  • text mining publications

Tagungsband: Sprachtechnologie und eHumanities

Donnerstag, 7. Juli 2011

Deutsche Sprachressourcen-Infrastruktur D-SPIN

D-SPIN ist der deutsche Beitrag zum europäischen CLARIN-Projekt (Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure).
Das Projekt D-SPIN schafft die Grundlagen für eine stabile und nachhaltige Infrastruktur von Sprachressourcen und Sprachtechnologien. Diese soll in erster Linie der empirischen geistes- und sozialwissenschaftlichen Forschung dienen.


CLARIN is committed to establish an integrated and interoperable research infrastructure of language resources and its technology. It aims at lifting the current fragmentation, offering a stable, persistent, accessible and extendable infrastructure and therefore enabling eHumanities.
  • integrated: the resource and service centres are connected via Grid technology and form a virtually integrated domain
  • interoperable: the resources and services will be based on Semantic Web technologies to overcome format, structure and terminological differences
  • stable: the resources and services are offered with a high availability
  • persistent: the resources and services are planned to be accessible for many years so that researchers can rely on them
  • accessible: the resources and services are accessible via the web; different access methods and training possibilities are offered tailored to the needs of the communities making use of them
  • extendable: the infrastructure is open so that new resources and services can be added easily

Tagungsband: Digitale Wissenschaft - Stand und Entwicklung digital vernetzter Forschung in Deutschland

Mittwoch, 6. Juli 2011

Digital Humanities Festakt am 12. und 13. Juli 2011 in Göttingen



Language Endangerment

Currently there are approximately 6000 languages worldwide (many of them with a number of dialects). Following a UNESCO estimate, however, it is assumed that by the end of the 21st century, only one half - maybe even only one tenth - of these languages will continue to exist.

DOBES Programme

In 2000 the VolkswagenFoundation started the DOBES programme in order to document languages that are potentially in danger of becoming extinct within a few years time. In 2000 the pilot phase was started with seven documentation teams and one archiving team, with the intention to come up with recommendations of how language documentation can work, and how the archiving can best be done. Since then, a few new documentation teams are selected on a yearly basis in order to carry out significant documentation work within 3 years. Until now, 50 documentation projects have been funded and there will be calls for concrete documentation projects until 2011. In 2006 the first documentation teams have finished their contractual phase, but many teams still carry on with the documentation work. Yearly workshops are being held in which all past and present documentation projects meet in order to exchange experiences and results.

Language Documentation

The documentation work has two major directions: (1) It can help to maintain or revitalize the language in focus, and (2) it will help to inform future generations about the language diversity and the cultural treasures of mankind.
Therefore, the aims of the DOBES programme are to document languages in their cultural setting and present them in such a way that
  • they are useful for linguistics, anthropology, history, comparative literature, and other disciplines;
  • they can be understood without prior knowledge of the documented language;
  • they can be used for language maintenance and revitalization by the speech community.
Each documentation is carried out in close cooperation with the speech community and reflects the particular characteristics of the respective culture. It is agreed that good documentation has to be based on many recordings as primary material. Audio recordings will present the languages as they are spoken with all their segmental and suprasegmental richness. Video recordings in addition give information about the environment in which languages are spoken and about non-verbal communication attitudes. Given these advantages there is in general a preference for combined audio and video recordings.
All material has to be stored in digital form according to open standards, and the material should be accessible from all over the world via the Internet. In addition, the archive has to take care of the long-term persistency of the digital material, which is not evident given the limited life-time of our state-of-the-art storage media.
The documentation, and therefore the archive, contain the following types of material:
  • annotated audio and video recordings of diverse speech events with transcriptions, translations into one or more major languages, morphosyntactic analysis and other comments on content and linguistic phenomena
  • photographs and drawings partly bundled into groups of photos documenting processes, as, how to build a house
  • music recordings and videos of cultural activities and ceremonies
  • a description of the language's genetic affiliation, its socio-linguistic context, its phonetic and grammatical features, and the circumstances of research, recording and documentation
  • keyword-based descriptions to facilitate the organization and accessibility of documents in the archive

Konf: Neuentwicklungen bei der Katalogisierung - Vernetzung und Wandel durch Digitalisierung, Wolfenbüttel 09/11


MathSciNet is an electronic publication offering access to a carefully maintained and easily searchable database of reviews, abstracts and bibliographic information for much of the mathematical sciences literature. Over 100,000 new items are added each year, most of them classified according to the Mathematics Subject Classification.  Authors are uniquely identified, enabling a search for publications by individual author rather than by name string.  Continuing in the tradition of the paper publication, Mathematical Reviews (MR), which was first published in 1940, expert reviewers are selected by a staff of professional mathematicians to write reviews of the current published literature; over 40,000 reviews are added to the database each year. Extending the MR tradition, MathSciNet® contains over 2 million items and over 1 million direct links to original articles. Bibliographic data from retrodigitized articles dates back to the early 1800s. Reference lists are collected and matched internally from approximately 450 journals, and citation data for journals, authors, articles and reviews is provided.  This web of citations allows users to track the history and influence of research publications in the mathematical sciences.

IEEE Computer Society Digital Library (CSDL)

The IEEE Computer Society Digital Library (CSDL) provides online access to 27 society magazines and transactions and more than 3,300 conference publications.

Montag, 4. Juli 2011


Cairo will develop a tool for ingesting complex collections of born-digital materials, with basic descriptive, preservation and relationship metadata, into a preservation repository. The project is based on needs identified by the JISC-funded Paradigm project and the Wellcome Library's Digital Curation in Action project. It is a key building block in the partner institutions' strategy to develop digital repository architectures which can support the development of digital collections over the long-term.

British Pathe

You can view and buy films and still photographs from the entire archive of 90,000 videos covering newsreel, sports footage, social history documentaries, entertainment and music stories from 1896 to 1976.


DuraSpace is the independent 501(c)(3) not-for-profit born from a vision to help save our shared scholarly, scientific and cultural record. We are dedicated to sustaining and improving Fedora and DSpace, two of the most dominant open source repository solutions. We continue to lead the development and improvement of open technologies that provide long-term, durable access to your digital assets. Our new technology, DuraCloud, will exploit digital preservation support services in the cloud. We are also expanding into new areas that include exploring strategies on how to manage the 'data deluge' and addressing the challenge of converting the overwhelming amount of data produced by scholars and scientists into useful information.

Our Mission

DuraSpace is committed to providing leadership and innovation in the development and deployment of open technologies that promote durable, persistent access to digital data. We collaborate with academic, scientific, cultural, and technology communities in creating practical solutions to help ensure that current and future generations have access to our collective digital heritage.


The original SHERPA partnership was formed for the SHERPA project (2002-2006) and drew from research-led universities with an active interest in establishing an example of a then-new concept - an open access institutional repository. After a year, the original 7 development partners were joined by 6 more partners to form a partnership of 21 individual institutions. We now have 33 partners and affiliates overall, consisting of 32 HE institutions, and the British Library.
SHERPA achieved its original goals ahead of schedule and within budget and has been an active presence on the developing field of institutional repository use. The partnership has now gone on to collaborate in a number of other open access projects.
The partnership is a large and varied consortium and has within its membership a range of examples of repository environments and institutional structures. The partners are all research-led institutions, all with practical experience of building and populating eprint repositories. As such they are well placed to take full advantage of the facilities that eprint repositories and extended-data repositories can offer. This strong and varied consortial background offers the ideal environment for exploring and testing ideas for repository development, which can be evaluated and disseminated to the wider community.

Open Repository

Open Repository is a hosted solution from BioMed Central that builds and maintains customized DSpace repositories on behalf of institutions and organizations. This allows an institution to preserve and showcase its intellectual output to a larger and unrestricted audience.

As a pioneer of the open access movement, BioMed Central identified the demand within the community for a repository service. With an ever-increasing number of institutions adopting a repository in order to showcase their intellectual output and comply with various open access policies now in effect, Open Repository was launched in 2004.

Despite the software costs involved in building a repository being relatively low there are many additional issues, such as staffing and upgrade costs, that make running an in-house repository solution both a costly and time consuming activity. Due to this, many organizations have chosen to take advantage of BioMed Central’s existing infrastructure and open access knowledge when setting up their repository, allowing administrators time and freedom to concentrate on populating the repository.

WIRE - Wolverhampton Intellectual Repository and E-Theses

WIRE is a growing collection of research outputs from the University of Wolverhampton made freely available on the Web.