Donnerstag, 10. Mai 2012

Ressources: Weltbibliothek digital

"Unter "Weltbibliothek" verstehen wir alle im globalen Internet für Literaturinteressierte produzierten Seiten. Wir zeigen 76 davon in Auswahl, präsentiert als kurze Videos.
Im Projekt "Weltbibliothek digital" werden nur Webseiten angezeigt, auf denen Texte kostenfrei und ohne Anmeldung zugänglich sind. Bevorzugt sind öffentlich-rechtliche und andere nicht-kommerzielle Anbieter ausgewählt."

Ressources: Digital Collections of the National Library of Medicine

"Digital Collections is the National Library of Medicine's free online archive of biomedical books and videos. All the content in Digital Collections is in the public domain and freely available worldwide. Digital Collections provides unique access to NLM's rich, historical resources."

Dienstag, 8. Mai 2012

Ressources: Emil von Behring`s literary estate

Tools: Digital editions with eLaborate

"At the Huygens Instituut KNAW (a research institute for text edition and textual scholarship of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences) a digital tool has been developed for the making of text-editions and for textual research in online working environments: eLaborate. In February 2009 a new version of this tool became available. In eLaborate, researchers can create websites in which they can work, individually or with a group of collaborators, on the transcription and edition of a text. They can use any personal computer that is connected to the internet. Central in the working environments are scans or digital photos of the source material. The edition-in-progress can be shown to other editors, collaborators or invited readers at any given moment. When such a digitally born edition enters a phase of completeness, it can be launched in a newly styled user-friendly website, which is, in principle, freely accessible. This website includes better navigation and a simple search engine. The first edition in this new series, Carolingian Scholarship. Glosses on Martianus Capella, was launched in November 2008, and in the improved online environment in February 2009."