Mittwoch, 18. Dezember 2013

Tools: eAQUA

"eAQUA ist aus der langjährigen Zusammenarbeit zwischen altertumswissenschaftlichen Fächern und der Informatik an der Universität Leipzig entstanden.[...]
Im Rahmen der interdisziplinären Zusammenarbeit zwischen altertumswissenschaftlichen Fächern und der Informatik war das Ziel die Gewinnung von neuem strukturierten Wissen aus antiken bzw. frühneuzeitlichen Quellen und die Weiterentwicklung von Werkzeugen aus dem Bereich des Text Mining. Die hier verwendeten Suchmöglichkeiten (Kookkurrenzsuche, Zitationssuche) gehen über die üblichen Suchmöglichkeiten im Rahmen digitaler Bibliotheken hinaus und ermöglichen die Erschließung von Abhängigkeiten, Einflüssen und Transferwegen des Wissens in großem Umfang."

Donnerstag, 14. November 2013

Resources: The Encyclopaedia of Educational Philosophy and Theory (EEPAT)

"The Encyclopaedia of Educational Philosophy and Theory (EEPAT) was founded in 1999 under the title of Encyclopaedia of Philosophy of Education. It is a dynamic study space for students, teachers, researchers and professionals in the field of education, philosophy and social sciences, offering theoretically concurrent expositions of the topics of theoretical and practical interest in philosophy and education"

Montag, 11. November 2013

Resources: ANNO - AustriaN Newspapers Online

"ANNO ist der virtuelle Zeitungslesesaal der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek.
Hier kann in historischen österreichischen Zeitungen und Zeitschriften online geblättert und gelesen werden."

Resources: Nietzsche online

"Nietzsche Source is a web site devoted to the publication of scholarly content on the work and life of Friedrich Nietzsche, under the editorial and scholarly direction of Paolo D'Iorio.
The content of the site and its internet addresses are stable and can be freely consulted and used for scholarly purposes.
The website is managed by the Association HyperNietzsche, a non-profit organisation hosted at the École normale supérieure in Paris. The Association HyperNietzsche is a growing scholarly community of leading experts from different countries. It promotes research on Nietzsche through conferences and scientific events. Its main purpose is to continue work on the edition, commentary and interpretation of Nietzsche’s work."

Dienstag, 5. November 2013

Conf.: (Digital) Humanities Revisited. Challenges and Opportunities in the Digital Age - Hannover 12/13

"In times of digitization, internet, and mobile communication, the
humanities can build on new, empirically driven methods to gain new
insights. But what are the implications of this mode of knowledge
production for the various disciplines subsumed under the term
humanities, their methods and research objects, and for the role the
humanities should and could play in society?

This triad will be the focus of our Herrenhausen Conference "(Digital)
Humanities Revisited - Challenges and Opportunities in the Digital Age".
Together with experts from the various fields of the humanities, the
conference would like to facilitate a dialogue between protagonists who
embrace digital tools and those following and sustaining more
traditional approaches. Amongst others, we would like to discuss the
following questions: What kind of knowledge can we expect? What could be
lost when relying solely on digitally driven methods? What are the
opportunities offered by the digital technologies, and what kind of
challenges do these developments pose for the humanities? [...]"

Mittwoch, 30. Oktober 2013

Resources: EGO - European History Online

"EGO | European History Online is a transcultural history of Europe on the Internet. The project investigates processes of intercultural exchange in European history whose impact extended beyond state, national and cultural borders. EGO describes Europe as a constantly changing communicative space which witnessed extremely varied processes of interaction, circulation, overlapping and entanglement, of exchange and transfer, but also confrontation, resistance and demarcation."

Resources: German History in Documents and Images (GHDI)

"German History in Documents and Images (GHDI) is a comprehensive collection of primary source materials documenting Germany's political, social, and cultural history from 1500 to the present. It comprises original German texts, all of which are accompanied by new English translations, and a wide range of visual imagery. The materials are presented in ten sections, which have been compiled by leading scholars. All of the materials can be used free of charge for teaching, research, and related purposes; the site is strictly intended for individual, non-commercial use."

Dienstag, 15. Oktober 2013

Resources: Digitalisierte Nachlässe

"Diese Seite versammelt Nachweise zu ganz oder teilweise digitalisierten Nachlässen aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum, die frei und (soweit ersichtlich) dauerhaft im Internet verfügbar sind. Neben Nachlässen im Wortsinn (Provenienz des Nachlassbildners) werden auch bedeutsame Sammlungen handschriftlichen Materials zu Personen berücksichtigt. Einzelne Autographen werden nicht nachgewiesen."

Sonntag, 6. Oktober 2013

Resources: Digital Mozart Edition (DME)

"The Digital Mozart Edition (DME) is currently being developed at the Mozarteum Foundation Salzburg in cooperation with Packard Humanities Institute in Los Altos, California, USA. The DME will provide world wide access to the complete works of Wolfgang Amadé Mozart (1756–1791) in digital form via the internet for study and performance purposes. In addition to the presentation of all works of music online, the DME will include a critical edition of letters, documents and libretti as well.  The DME strives to incorporate images of original source materials with due consideration of copyright laws.  Access to the website, including the downloading and printing of files for non-commercial purposes, is free.  Information relating to works and sources will also be provided online."

Resources: Digital Archive of Inaugural Lectures

"Historical studies have revealed the complexity of the pathways through which university philosophical culture has taken part in the development of knowledge from the Late Middle Ages to our times. Nonetheless, till now a full class of documents has been considered only erratically: the inaugural lectures (also known as paginae) of the single university courses given from the Renaissance to the beginning of the eighteenth century. Scholars of university history know that each of the countless inaugural lectures till extant in archives and libraries is an interesting document, revealing the tenets of university culture in a specific place and time; however, few research campaigns have been conducted on these documents with the aim of improving sistematically our understanding of the history of university culture in general, or of specific trends in it. Main obstacles to these enterprises are the large number of extant documents and their dispersion. DArIL aims to facilitate scholars to overcome these difficulties, providing them with an access to a digital collection of searchable descriptions, digital photo-reproductions and codified transcriptions of paginae."

Sonntag, 29. September 2013

Resources: Mediatheca Franciscana

"La biblioteca del Sacro Convento di Assisi si è costituta sin dal sec. XIII come biblioteca della comunità francescana residente presso la chiesa-santuario di S. Francesco. Gli studiosi sono ormai concordi nell’affermare che nel Sacro Convento fu attivo uno scriptorium che realizzò innanzitutto  manoscritti liturgici e omiletici destinati al culto ed all’attività pastorale e nel contempo manoscritti biblici, filosofici e teologici destinati allo studio. La produzione di questo centro scrittorio è documentata anche grazie all’uso di una grafia particolare, denominata littera assisiensis.
Accanto alla produzione libraria propria del centro scrittorio assisano notevole è stato l'arricchimento della biblioteca medievale dovuta ad acquisizioni di manoscritti prodotti in altri luoghi. La biblioteca di Assisi fu la più ricca biblioteca francescana d’Europa sino alla fine del secolo XIV, paragonabile alle prestigiose biblioteche monastiche e a quelle universitarie. L’inventario redatto da fra Giovanni di Iolo nel 1381 ne è la più significativa testimonianza.[...]"

Dienstag, 23. Juli 2013

Resources: Digital library of late-antique latin texts (digilibLT)

"The digilibLT project is planning to offer a complete database of late-antique Latin authors and works, as well as an exhaustive canon. Access to the canon and the database is free. Search windows are designed to allow users to search either the entire collection of texts or a selection of them (by author, period, or type of text) or single authors and works. Texts can be downloaded freely, which will allow individual scholars to work on their areas of interest with maximum flexibility. Texts are codified according both to the TEI and the Beta coding standard;[...]

Mittwoch, 20. März 2013

Resources: The Serving Soldier

"The Serving Soldier Collection Library contains themed selections of photographs and other archives drawn from up to fifty of the eight hundred or so personal paper collections held by the Liddell Hart Centre for Military Archives at King's College London which have been selected for digitisation as part of the Serving Soldier project - a rich and and varied body of archive material that illuminates the colourful and eclectic careers of servicemen from the 1880s until 1945.
Collection Library material includes personal diaries, correspondence, photograph albums, detailed reports and memoranda, maps, posters and oral histories exploring war, peace, diplomacy and casting light on the many alternative careers pursued by servicemen - for example as explorers, inventors, writers and artists.
Among the many themed collections are snapshots of daily life in the British Empire, examples of sometimes shocking photography of the ill-fated Gallipoli Campaign during the Great War, and details of the often complex British involvement in the troubled North West Frontier region and Afghanistan."

Donnerstag, 28. Februar 2013

Database: European Register of Microform and Digital Masters (EROMM)

"EROMM is a consortium of libraries and library networks. The founding agreement dates back to 1994. The first group of four libraries, which had cooperated since 1990 in the second only of European Union library projects, resolved to run the register of preservation surrogates as a permanent service. Since then, EROMM has evolved from a register recording microform masters into a database recording any printed or hand-written item available in surrogate, be it on microfilm or in digital form."

Freitag, 15. Februar 2013

Resources: Scripta Paedagogica Online (SPO)

"Scripta Paedagogica Online ist ein digitales Textarchiv zur Bildungsgeschichte des deutschsprachigen Raums. Diese neue Präsentation befindet sich noch im Aufbau und wird kontinuierlich durch neue Inhalte ergänzt."

Montag, 11. Februar 2013

Resources: Open Access Library (oalib)

An Open Access Library that allows you free access to a database of currently more than 145,000 openly accessible academic articles:

Mittwoch, 9. Januar 2013

Resources: Debates in the Digital Humanities

"Welcome to the open-access edition of Debates in the Digital Humanities, which brings together leading figures in the field to explore its theories, methods, and practices and to clarify its multiple possibilities and tensions."