Dienstag, 5. November 2013

Conf.: (Digital) Humanities Revisited. Challenges and Opportunities in the Digital Age - Hannover 12/13

"In times of digitization, internet, and mobile communication, the
humanities can build on new, empirically driven methods to gain new
insights. But what are the implications of this mode of knowledge
production for the various disciplines subsumed under the term
humanities, their methods and research objects, and for the role the
humanities should and could play in society?

This triad will be the focus of our Herrenhausen Conference "(Digital)
Humanities Revisited - Challenges and Opportunities in the Digital Age".
Together with experts from the various fields of the humanities, the
conference would like to facilitate a dialogue between protagonists who
embrace digital tools and those following and sustaining more
traditional approaches. Amongst others, we would like to discuss the
following questions: What kind of knowledge can we expect? What could be
lost when relying solely on digitally driven methods? What are the
opportunities offered by the digital technologies, and what kind of
challenges do these developments pose for the humanities? [...]"


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