Mittwoch, 30. Oktober 2013

Resources: EGO - European History Online

"EGO | European History Online is a transcultural history of Europe on the Internet. The project investigates processes of intercultural exchange in European history whose impact extended beyond state, national and cultural borders. EGO describes Europe as a constantly changing communicative space which witnessed extremely varied processes of interaction, circulation, overlapping and entanglement, of exchange and transfer, but also confrontation, resistance and demarcation."

Resources: German History in Documents and Images (GHDI)

"German History in Documents and Images (GHDI) is a comprehensive collection of primary source materials documenting Germany's political, social, and cultural history from 1500 to the present. It comprises original German texts, all of which are accompanied by new English translations, and a wide range of visual imagery. The materials are presented in ten sections, which have been compiled by leading scholars. All of the materials can be used free of charge for teaching, research, and related purposes; the site is strictly intended for individual, non-commercial use."

Dienstag, 15. Oktober 2013

Resources: Digitalisierte Nachlässe

"Diese Seite versammelt Nachweise zu ganz oder teilweise digitalisierten Nachlässen aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum, die frei und (soweit ersichtlich) dauerhaft im Internet verfügbar sind. Neben Nachlässen im Wortsinn (Provenienz des Nachlassbildners) werden auch bedeutsame Sammlungen handschriftlichen Materials zu Personen berücksichtigt. Einzelne Autographen werden nicht nachgewiesen."

Sonntag, 6. Oktober 2013

Resources: Digital Mozart Edition (DME)

"The Digital Mozart Edition (DME) is currently being developed at the Mozarteum Foundation Salzburg in cooperation with Packard Humanities Institute in Los Altos, California, USA. The DME will provide world wide access to the complete works of Wolfgang Amadé Mozart (1756–1791) in digital form via the internet for study and performance purposes. In addition to the presentation of all works of music online, the DME will include a critical edition of letters, documents and libretti as well.  The DME strives to incorporate images of original source materials with due consideration of copyright laws.  Access to the website, including the downloading and printing of files for non-commercial purposes, is free.  Information relating to works and sources will also be provided online."

Resources: Digital Archive of Inaugural Lectures

"Historical studies have revealed the complexity of the pathways through which university philosophical culture has taken part in the development of knowledge from the Late Middle Ages to our times. Nonetheless, till now a full class of documents has been considered only erratically: the inaugural lectures (also known as paginae) of the single university courses given from the Renaissance to the beginning of the eighteenth century. Scholars of university history know that each of the countless inaugural lectures till extant in archives and libraries is an interesting document, revealing the tenets of university culture in a specific place and time; however, few research campaigns have been conducted on these documents with the aim of improving sistematically our understanding of the history of university culture in general, or of specific trends in it. Main obstacles to these enterprises are the large number of extant documents and their dispersion. DArIL aims to facilitate scholars to overcome these difficulties, providing them with an access to a digital collection of searchable descriptions, digital photo-reproductions and codified transcriptions of paginae."