Montag, 15. Dezember 2014

Resources: Medical Heritage Library

"The Medical Heritage Library (MHL), a digital curation collaborative among some of the world’s leading medical libraries, promotes free and open access to quality historical resources in medicine. Our goal is to provide the means by which readers and scholars across a multitude of disciplines can examine the interrelated nature of medicine and society, both to inform contemporary medicine and strengthen understanding of the world in which we live. The MHL’s growing collection of digitized medical rare books, pamphlets, journals, and films number in the tens of thousands, with representative works from each of the past six centuries, all of which are available here through the Internet Archive"
The Medical Heritage Library (MHL), a digital curation collaborative among some of the world’s leading medical libraries, promotes free and open access to quality historical resources in medicine. Our goal is to provide the means by which readers and scholars across a multitude of disciplines can examine the interrelated nature of medicine and society, both to inform contemporary medicine and strengthen understanding of the world in which we live. The MHL’s growing collection of digitized medical rare books, pamphlets, journals, and films number in the tens of thousands, with representative works from each of the past six centuries, all of which are available here through the Internet Archive. - See more at:
The Medical Heritage Library (MHL), a digital curation collaborative among some of the world’s leading medical libraries, promotes free and open access to quality historical resources in medicine. Our goal is to provide the means by which readers and scholars across a multitude of disciplines can examine the interrelated nature of medicine and society, both to inform contemporary medicine and strengthen understanding of the world in which we live. The MHL’s growing collection of digitized medical rare books, pamphlets, journals, and films number in the tens of thousands, with representative works from each of the past six centuries, all of which are available here through the Internet Archive. - See more at:

Freitag, 5. Dezember 2014

Resources: Marxists Internet Archive

Tools: The European Library Historic Newspapers Browser

Resources: Platform Digital Humanities (University of Antwerpen)

"Not only the mate­rial is increasing­ly digi­tal. The methods are digital, too. Linguists write soft­ware to analyze language automa­tically. Historians visua­lize the social net­works that con­nect histo­rical persons or places. Or they make cities of the past come to life again using digi­tal carto­graphy.
Litera­ry scho­lars digi­tize manus­cripts to examine the gene­tic pro­cess behind a text. Theatre scho­lars create vir­tual recon­structions of histo­rical play­houses.
The UA Digital Humani­ties Plat­form groups these kinds of research projects since 2010."