Freitag, 5. Dezember 2014

Resources: Platform Digital Humanities (University of Antwerpen)

"Not only the mate­rial is increasing­ly digi­tal. The methods are digital, too. Linguists write soft­ware to analyze language automa­tically. Historians visua­lize the social net­works that con­nect histo­rical persons or places. Or they make cities of the past come to life again using digi­tal carto­graphy.
Litera­ry scho­lars digi­tize manus­cripts to examine the gene­tic pro­cess behind a text. Theatre scho­lars create vir­tual recon­structions of histo­rical play­houses.
The UA Digital Humani­ties Plat­form groups these kinds of research projects since 2010."

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