Montag, 15. Dezember 2014

Resources: Medical Heritage Library

"The Medical Heritage Library (MHL), a digital curation collaborative among some of the world’s leading medical libraries, promotes free and open access to quality historical resources in medicine. Our goal is to provide the means by which readers and scholars across a multitude of disciplines can examine the interrelated nature of medicine and society, both to inform contemporary medicine and strengthen understanding of the world in which we live. The MHL’s growing collection of digitized medical rare books, pamphlets, journals, and films number in the tens of thousands, with representative works from each of the past six centuries, all of which are available here through the Internet Archive"
The Medical Heritage Library (MHL), a digital curation collaborative among some of the world’s leading medical libraries, promotes free and open access to quality historical resources in medicine. Our goal is to provide the means by which readers and scholars across a multitude of disciplines can examine the interrelated nature of medicine and society, both to inform contemporary medicine and strengthen understanding of the world in which we live. The MHL’s growing collection of digitized medical rare books, pamphlets, journals, and films number in the tens of thousands, with representative works from each of the past six centuries, all of which are available here through the Internet Archive. - See more at:
The Medical Heritage Library (MHL), a digital curation collaborative among some of the world’s leading medical libraries, promotes free and open access to quality historical resources in medicine. Our goal is to provide the means by which readers and scholars across a multitude of disciplines can examine the interrelated nature of medicine and society, both to inform contemporary medicine and strengthen understanding of the world in which we live. The MHL’s growing collection of digitized medical rare books, pamphlets, journals, and films number in the tens of thousands, with representative works from each of the past six centuries, all of which are available here through the Internet Archive. - See more at:

Freitag, 5. Dezember 2014

Resources: Marxists Internet Archive

Tools: The European Library Historic Newspapers Browser

Resources: Platform Digital Humanities (University of Antwerpen)

"Not only the mate­rial is increasing­ly digi­tal. The methods are digital, too. Linguists write soft­ware to analyze language automa­tically. Historians visua­lize the social net­works that con­nect histo­rical persons or places. Or they make cities of the past come to life again using digi­tal carto­graphy.
Litera­ry scho­lars digi­tize manus­cripts to examine the gene­tic pro­cess behind a text. Theatre scho­lars create vir­tual recon­structions of histo­rical play­houses.
The UA Digital Humani­ties Plat­form groups these kinds of research projects since 2010."

Dienstag, 18. November 2014

Resources: The Swiss Poster Collection

"The Swiss Poster Collection is a critical selection of posters dating from 1970 to 2011. It was established by Swiss graphic designer Ruedi Ruegg and Professor Daniel Boyarski in 1985 as a teaching collection. Ruegg selected the posters and added to the Collection each year. The Collection contains works by designers such as Bill, Bruhwiler, Kulling, Leupin, Muller-Brockmann, Pfund, Ruegg, Troxler, and Weingart. Swiss posters are created for a variety of purposes, and use form, color, image, and typography to communicate ideas. They are immediate in impact, spontaneous, and often playful or humorous. Analyze the interplay of type and image, form and content. Enjoy the visual and cultural sophistication. Donated by Ruedi Ruegg, Switzerland."

Resources: Digitale Sammlungen der Badischen Landesbibliothek

"In den Digitalen Sammlungen bieten wir Ihnen den kostenfreien Zugang zu über 3.600 digitalisierten Werken aus unserem Bestand an. Das Angebot befindet sich im Aufbau und wird kontinuierlich erweitert. Benutzen Sie die Suche, um in den Titel- und Strukturdaten der bereits enthaltenen Werke zu recherchieren, oder stöbern Sie in den Sammlungen auf der linken Seite."

Sonntag, 5. Oktober 2014

Resources: Fuggerzeitungen

"Der Begriff „Fuggerzeitungen“ erscheint häufig in Studien zur Medien- und Kommunikationsgeschichte  und wird in der deutschsprachigen Forschung vielfach synonym für handschriftliche Zeitungen des 16. Jahrhunderts allgemein verwendet. Im engeren Sinn versteht man unter „Fuggerzeitungen“ jedoch einen Bestand an handschriftlichen Zeitungen, den die Brüder Octavian Secundus (1549-1600) und Philipp Eduard Fugger (1546-1618) zusammengestellt haben. Ursprünglich handelte es sich um 30 Bände, die aus der Sammlungstätigkeit von Octavian Secundus hervorgingen und die Jahre von 1568 bis 1600 umfassten. Er ließ auch die als Einzelblätter vorliegenden Zeitungen bereits nach Jahrgängen binden. Nach seinem Tod erbte Philipp Eduard Fugger den Bestand, jedoch gingen die ersten acht Bände verloren. Philipp Eduard ersetzte diese durch zwei seiner eigenen Bände und fügte dem Bestand weitere Bände für die Jahre 1601 bis 1604 hinzu."

Dienstag, 30. September 2014

Resources: Rudolf Steiner Online Archiv

Resources: European Union Open Data Portal

"Are you looking for easy access to EU Data? Do you want to reuse data for research, an article, an application or something else?
You have come to the right place. The EU Open Data Portal is your single point of access to a growing range of data produced by the institutions and other bodies of the European Union.
Data are free to use, reuse, link and redistribute for commercial or non-commercial purposes."

Donnerstag, 17. Juli 2014

Resources: The Digital Library of the Accademia dei Lincei

"As part of the Italian Digital Library project promoted by the General Direction for Library Heritage and Cultural Institutes of the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities, the Institute and Museum of the History of Science has begun a new thematic digital library project for the digitalization of printed works and manuscripts connected to the oldest Italian Academy, the Accademia dei Lincei (founded in 1603 by Federico Cesi). The first core includes in the works relative to the period from 1603-1630, largely conserved at the Biblioteca dell’Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei e Corsiniana in Rome."

Dienstag, 8. Juli 2014

Resources: Tutorials for Digital Text Encoding in XML

"Das Tutorial Digitale Textedition mit TEI besteht aus einer Reihe von Kapiteln, die aufeinander aufbauend in die Kodierung und Edition von Texten nach den Guidelines der Text Encoding Initiative einführen. Das Tutorial ist für den Einsatz in der Lehre konzipiert, kann aber auch im Selbststudium eingesetzt werden."

Donnerstag, 12. Juni 2014

Ressource: The Women's Oral History Project

"The project sought to document the working lives of Munster women during the period 1936-1960, through the collection of oral histories. The project is a study of the stories of women who engaged in paid work in the period 1936-1960."

Sonntag, 11. Mai 2014

Coll.: Wie Digital Humanities gestalten? Ein Kaleidoskop von Perspektiven - Trier 05/14

"Im Rahmen des Forschungskolloquiums von Prof. Dr. Claudine Moulin (FB II – Germanistik) und Prof. Dr. Caroline Sporleder (FB II – Computerlinguistik & Digital Humanities) geben internationale Wissenschaftler einen Einblick in ihre aktuellen Forschungen und zeigen dabei ein breites Spektrum digitaler Möglichkeiten auf."

Mittwoch, 30. April 2014

Resources: Digitized travel accounts of late medieval and early modern Europe

" aims to advance research on late medieval and early modern European travel accounts. This project provides digitized editions and research literature on approx. 375 different travels and pilgrimages through Europe in historical times. The bibliographical database allows quick reference for the travel accounts. Due to copy right restrictions only literature from the 19th century and earlier is provided in full text."

Montag, 31. März 2014

Resources: French Revolution Digital Archive

"The French Revolution Digital Archive (FRDA) is a multi-year collaboration of the Stanford University Libraries and the Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF) to produce a digital version of the key research sources of the French Revolution and make them available to the international scholarly community. The archive is based around two main resources, the Archives parlementaires and a vast corpus of images first brought together in 1989 and known as the Images de la Revolution française."

Mittwoch, 15. Januar 2014

Resources: Van Gogh's letters

"All the surviving letters written and received by Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890) are contained in this edition of his correspondence."