Dienstag, 30. November 2010

American Social Hygiene Posters: 1910-1970

The Social Welfare History Archives is a unique resource for studying the history of social services in America at a national level. Its collections are available to all interested researchers at the Elmer L. Andersen Library at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis.
The mission of the Social Welfare History Archives is to collect, preserve, and provide access to historical records that support research and understanding of social services and social reform in the United States. A part of the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities Libraries, SWHA supports the University's traditional mission of research, instruction, and service.
The Social Welfare History Archives was founded in 1964 through the initiative of historian Clarke Chambers. During his research in the early 1960s on voluntary associations, he discovered both a problem and an opportunity. Archives and manuscript repositories at that time had collected very few social welfare records, but many national service organizations had preserved substantial historical records and were eager to see them made available in an appropriate institution. Through his initiative the University of Minnesota Libraries established the Social Welfare History Archives in 1964 to document the history of social service and social reform in America.


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