Mittwoch, 11. Mai 2011

19th Century British pamphlets online

Due to their small size and print runs many 19th Century pamphlets are now scarce and very difficult to locate or access. As a consequence, they have often been overlooked by researchers. Yet pamphlets were a significant form of publication in the 19th Century and they can complement other publications such as books, newspapers and periodicals. They were often published by individuals, parties or pressure groups with strongly held views, so they can be particularly valuable in aiding our understanding of the debates of their age.
This site was created by the 19th Century Pamphlets Online project, which during 2007-09 digitised more than 23,000 pamphlets from seven UK research collections. This work was led by the University of Southampton , funded by the UK Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) and sponsored by Research Libraries UK (RLUK) . The site also incorporates resources created by an earlier RLUK-led 19th Century Pamphlets cataloguing project which created catalogue records for almost 180,000 pamphlets held within 21 research libraries.

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