Mittwoch, 11. Mai 2011

Gale Digital Collections - Times Digital Archive 1785-1985

900 years of international history from one source. Gale Digital Collections has changed the nature of research forever by providing a wealth of rare, formerly inaccessible historical content from the world's most prestigious libraries.
Gale Digital Collections makes rare, previously impossible-to-access printed matter viewable in a digital format. From the 1100s to the 2000s; from the Wild West to the Far East; from culture and business, to politics and war, to religion and government; this remarkable, ever-expanding resource supports the needs of today's scholars, faculty and students and enhances the value and reputation of any library that offers it.

Hier z.B. das Times Digital Archive 1785-1985 - kostenpflichtig, so wie auch die anderen Angebote von Gale!

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