Dienstag, 17. Mai 2011

DRIVER - Digital Repository Infrastructure Vision for European Research

Considered the largest initiative of its kind in helping to enhance repository development worldwide, DRIVER is a multi-phase effort whose vision and primary objective is to create a cohesive, robust and flexible, pan-European infrastructure for digital repositories, offering sophisticated services and functionalities for researchers, administrators and the general public. DRIVER has established a network of relevant experts and Open Access repositories. DRIVER-II will consolidate these efforts and transform the initial testbed into a fully functional, state-of-the art service, extending the network to a larger confederation of repositories. DRIVER is integral to the suite of electronic infrastructures that have emerged in the worldwide GÉANT network and is hence funded under the e-Infrastructures call of the European Commission's 7th framework programme. It aims to “… optimise the way the e-Infrastructure is used to store knowledge, add value to primary research data and information making secondary research more effective, provide a valuable asset for industry, and help bridging research and education.”


DRIVER Search Portal:

Access the network of freely accessible digital repositories with content across academic disciplines with over 2,500,000 scientific publications, found in journal articles, dissertations, books, lectures, reports, etc., harvested regularly from more than 249 repositories, from 33 countries.


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